Аутор Тема: Грци  (Прочитано 94114 пута)

Ван мреже Kor

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« послато: Јануар 18, 2013, 01:08:35 поподне »
Што се тиче Грка и њиховог ДНК пројекта, имамо следеће резултате:

E1b   23   13,2%
G     17   9,8%
I1    4    2,3%
I2a   25   14,4%
I2b   4    2,3%
J1    5    2,9%
J2b   18   10,3%
J2a   18   10,3%
L     2    1,1%
N     1    0,6%
R1a   20   11,5%
R1b   35   20,1%
R2    1    0,6%
T     1    0,6%

« Последња измена: Јануар 18, 2013, 01:29:31 поподне admin »

Ван мреже Kor

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Одг: Грци
« Одговор #1 послато: Јануар 18, 2013, 01:20:48 поподне »
Као интересантне детаље можемо да издвојимо преко 25% словенске комбинације R1a-I2a, што опет значи да је сваки четврти савремени Грк има словенске корене. Ово су донекле у пропорцији са јужном Албанијом.

Квантитативно најбројнија је хаплогрупа R1b, као и у свим осталим земљама са кентум језицима. Хаплогрупа Ј је заступљена са чак 23%, док је Е1б на нивоу нижем од балканског просека (што донекле изненађује). Такође је уочљиво и присуство хаплогрупе G, која једним делом може проистицати из грчких колонија по Црном мору.

Ван мреже Kor

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Одг: Грци
« Одговор #2 послато: Јануар 18, 2013, 01:25:31 поподне »
Упоредићемо ове резултате са онима које је сакупила Еупедија:

Видимо да се овде резултати разликују у доста великом степену у многим хаплогрупама.
« Последња измена: Јануар 18, 2013, 01:29:26 поподне Kor »

Синиша Јерковић

  • Гост
Одг: Грци
« Одговор #3 послато: Јануар 18, 2013, 02:43:42 поподне »
Као интересантне детаље можемо да издвојимо преко 25% словенске комбинације R1a-I2a, што опет значи да је сваки четврти савремени Грк има словенске корене. Ово су донекле у пропорцији са јужном Албанијом.

Квантитативно најбројнија је хаплогрупа R1b, као и у свим осталим земљама са кентум језицима. Хаплогрупа Ј је заступљена са чак 23%, док је Е1б на нивоу нижем од балканског просека (што донекле изненађује). Такође је уочљиво и присуство хаплогрупе G, која једним делом може проистицати из грчких колонија по Црном мору.

Не знам које варијанте хаплогрупе R1b доминирају међу Грцима, тј. да ли су то јерменско-балканска варијанта L23* или западноевропска. Добро си уочио ову везу са кентум језицима. Грчки језик су донијела индоевропска племена која су дошла са сјеверозапада, па би R1б могао лако да буде западноевропски. Остаје дилема : ко су били Микењани који су претходили Доранима и која је била њихова хаплогрупа (неки су тврдили да су они били R1а и Индоевропљани) , а ко су били Дорани који су стабилизовали класични протогрчки језик? Да ли је могуће да су Грчку преплавилe двије индоевропске инвазије, једна са истока, од сатем Индоевропљана R1а (Микењани) , а друга са запада од кентум Индоевропљана R1b (Дорани) при чему су потоњи остали да доминирају.

Ван мреже Kor

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Одг: Грци
« Одговор #4 послато: Јануар 18, 2013, 03:50:16 поподне »
Колико сам ја сећам, то је M269(L23).

Ваљало би да крене дискусија на теми посвећеној R1b па да се мало више позабавимо овим балканским R1b. Биће ту доста занимљивог материјала.

Ван мреже Kyrios

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Одг: Грци
« Одговор #5 послато: Јануар 18, 2013, 06:41:43 поподне »
Колико сам ја сећам, то је M269(L23).

Ваљало би да крене дискусија на теми посвећеној R1b па да се мало више позабавимо овим балканским R1b. Биће ту доста занимљивог материјала.

Са ових слика, које смо и раније гледали, се лепо види које су варијанте R1b заступљене (ради се о истој слици која је приказана на два различита начина, па коме се шта више свиђа).

Ван мреже Kor

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Одг: Грци
« Одговор #6 послато: Јануар 18, 2013, 09:06:39 поподне »
Дакле, имају преко четвртине носилаца R1b који су условно речено, западноевропског порекла. Сада ми је дошло у главу да сам негде читао објашњење те појаве али нећу напамет да говорим пошто се не сећам.

Ван мреже Bozidar Stevana Ostojic

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  • E-V13, Orlovici-Bjelice, Sveti Georgije - Djurdjic
Одг: Грци
« Одговор #7 послато: Јануар 19, 2013, 12:33:05 пре подне »
Differential Y-chromosome Anatolian Influences on the Greek and Cretan Neolithic

A total of 32 binary polymorphisms were typed to define 24 informative haplogroups. Figure 2 illustrates the Y-chromosome haplogroup phylogenetic relationships and frequencies for the observed haplogroups in the three Greek regions and Crete. In the Greek data overall, the most frequent haplogroups include E3b1a2-V13 (28%), R1b3-M269 (13%), R1a1-M17 (11%), I2a-P37 (9.0%), J2b-M12 (6%). In Crete, the most frequent haplogroups are R1b3-M269 (17%), G2-P15 (11%), J2a1-DYS413*(9.0%) and J2a1h-M319 (9.0%).


Ван мреже Kor

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Одг: Грци
« Одговор #8 послато: Јануар 19, 2013, 11:54:52 пре подне »
Хвала за ову студију. Нисмо је нигде раније анализирали.

Повадио сам из дф фајла најзначајније моменте:

Ван мреже Kor

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Одг: Грци
« Одговор #9 послато: Јануар 19, 2013, 11:58:41 пре подне »
И поред највеће воље нисам успео да разумем резултате показане на графикону где Крит спада у арапски кластер док остала три места иду у балкански. При томе видимо да је поклапање са Србима малтене стопроцентно.

Гледајући ове горње резултате, не знам како су дошли до оваквих закључака.

Синиша Јерковић

  • Гост
Одг: Грци
« Одговор #10 послато: Јануар 22, 2013, 04:57:21 поподне »
И поред највеће воље нисам успео да разумем резултате показане на графикону где Крит спада у арапски кластер док остала три места иду у балкански. При томе видимо да је поклапање са Србима малтене стопроцентно.

Гледајући ове горње резултате, не знам како су дошли до оваквих закључака.

Колико видим главна разлика између Крита и остатка Грчке је хаплогрупа Ј2а која је веома присутна на Криту, а веома је слабо заступљена у Грчкој.

Ван мреже Александар Невски

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« Одговор #11 послато: Јануар 22, 2013, 06:07:16 поподне »
Мени йе очекиван прилично мали постотак И2а од 9%. Али ме изненађуйе мала разлика између Р1б и Р1а. Очекивах да ће први бити много заступљенийи од другога.
Србски пѣсник Лаза Костић: "у млазових прочитам сричући" "по уздасих тако први' у јунака реч поврви"

Ван мреже Kor

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Одг: Грци
« Одговор #12 послато: Јануар 22, 2013, 07:01:36 поподне »
Фора је што је Сескло на графику ближи Србима од Никомедеје иако за једно 40% има мање I2а и при томе Сескло има концентрацију E1b од око 40%.

Ван мреже Bozidar Stevana Ostojic

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  • E-V13, Orlovici-Bjelice, Sveti Georgije - Djurdjic
Одг: Грци
« Одговор #13 послато: Септембар 08, 2013, 02:25:56 поподне »
Y-DNA haplogroups of Greeks by region of origin

1.The Genetic Legacy of Paleolithic Homo sapiens sapiens in Extant Europeans: A
 Y Chromosome Perspective (Semino et.al) 2000
 2.Paternal and maternal lineages in the Balkans show a homogeneous landscape over linguistic barriers, except for the isolated Aromuns (Bosch et.al) 2005
 3.Y-chromosomal evidence of the cultural diffusion of agriculture in southeast Europe (Battaglia et.al) 2008
 4.Y-chromosomal evidence for a limited Greek contribution to the Pathan population of Pakistan (Firasat et.al) 2007
 5.Clinal patterns of human Y chromosomal diversity in continental Italy and Greece are dominated by drift and founder effects (Di Giaccomo et.al) 2003
 6.The coming of the Greeks to Provence and Corsica: Y-chromosome models of archaic Greek colonization of the western Mediterranean (King et.al) 2011
 7. Differential Y-chromosome Anatolian Influences on the Greek and Cretan Neolithic (King et.al) 2008


Ван мреже Bozidar Stevana Ostojic

  • Шегрт
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  • Поруке: 54
  • E-V13, Orlovici-Bjelice, Sveti Georgije - Djurdjic
Одг: Грци
« Одговор #14 послато: Септембар 26, 2013, 11:56:26 пре подне »
by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Author: Costas D. Triantaphyllidis

DNA markers and dating

The detection of biological origin for human populations has a long history. Pretty soon it seemed that we should abandon the study of morphological characteristics, because these characteristics are influenced by environmental factors and for this reason there are reliable biomarkers.

Over the past 20 years, we are glad to we have at our disposal a very reliable source of information and exceptional wealth, the sequences of bases of DNA, and even two species DNA, making it more feasible to interpret the data. This is the mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited from mother to child, ie only followed maternal line, and the DNA of the Y chromosome, which passes from father to son (only males have the Y) that is followed by paternal line.

A second innovation allows the chronology, estimation that time, to which was the nearest common ancestor of two or more alternative sequences of DNA. Thus, mitochondrial DNA allows to determine the timing of migrations in prehistoric times, because each one point mutation in the molecule is equivalent to 20.180 years.

The DNA of the Y chromosome makes it possible to trace the movements of men, both historical as well as in prehistoric times. It has been found that the haplogroups of mutating every 7.000 years and microsatellite markers in every 500 years. When a specific mutation found in different men, who theoretically have no affinity between them, then these men belong to the same Y chromosome haplogroup, as scientists say, and this practically means that these men share a common pre-, Pre, Pre, Pre ... Pre-grandfather.

Research objectives. The study of the inhabitants of Greece are mostly historical, linguistic and archaeological data. This article intends to approach the issue from a different perspective, since it is based on the study of genetic diversity of the people of Greece, using many different DNA markers (Figure 1). As the ultimate goal, this research is to link genetic data with historical, linguistic, archaeological, cultural, technological and paleontological data. In this way, answers are now documented on perhaps the most important issue in relation to our history: the question of identity and our home.

Human presence in Greece

Work were analyzed mitochondrial DNA from individuals from several geographical regions of Europe (including Greece) and Middle East in order to trace the biological origins of Europeans.
By analyzing mitochondrial DNA found that examined subjects divided into 21 groups (haplotypes) and evaluated apart for each age creation, the Middle East and Europe. Based on mathematical calculations, estimated that the DNA of Greek origin is as follows: 8% in recent years (about 3000 years from now), 20% during the Neolithic period (9000 - 3000), 44% in the last upper Paleolithic era (14.500–9.000), 14.5% on average over the Paleolithic era (26.000 to 14.500 years) and a 11% in the original upper Paleolithic era (45.500-26.000).

The main findings from the survey are:
• The Paleolithic inhabitants of Europe lived as hunters for at least 60.000 years, while residents in the Near East 75 000 years ago.
• 75% - 80% of the current mitochondrial DNA of its inhabitants of Greece is Paleolithic in origin and is modeled after three migratory events (two Paleolithic and one Neolithic Age) that correspond to periods of glacier (from 50.000 – 9.000 years) 10. The most important conclusion is that the DNA of the Greeks is heavily indigenous, something that has been proposed by Professor Renfrew6 and verified by modern molecular genetic analysis.
• The remainder, 20%-25% of our DNA it has Neolithic origin and created over 9.000 years.
• Neolithic human populations were moved from Europe to the Middle East. It is estimated that a 5%-20% of mitochondrial DNA sequences of the present inhabitants of the Middle East has a European origin. Prospective population for this flow mitochondrial DNA are the Greeks and Phrygians.
• According to the theory of Indo-European origin of the Greeks, there was migration of populations from the north to Greece. Movements of people but not one way but both ways. The analysis of mitochondrial DNA, but chromosome Y 10, 11, show that areas of Western and Central Europe were colonized by people who migrated from the southeast Europe when the climate improved.
This hypothesis is supported by the distribution of haplogroups E-M78 and J-M102 Y chromosome, which are more frequent in southern Balkans (Fig. 2) and created before 15.000 and 7.900 years respectively. Modern Greek example characterized as a percentage 21.4% from sub-haplogroup C-M78 was found at lower frequencies elsewhere in Europe and marks the migration from Greece to Western Europe. The dissemination of technological, cultural innovations and products from the Balkans to Western Europe is well known and the study of DNA provides strong evidence that there were similar movements of populations, which comes to confirm the analysis of DNA. Overall, therefore, require genetic data to review the Indo-European theory on the origin of the Greeks.

Origins of the Neolithic Greece

The study of DNA revealed that 20%-25% of the DNA of the inhabitants of Greece has Neolithic origins. It is well known that the earliest Neolithic settlements in Europe were discovered in Greece. Argued that the genetic roots of the current residents were formed by mixing the local indigenous populations Paleolithic Neolithic settlers. To check whether or not the case, beyond the traditional methodologies, eg archeology, used DNA analysis to investigate how, when and where they came from these people, the Neolithic period in eastern Europe and which roads they used to travel.
To explore these questions, we studied the DNA of the chromosome Y4 10.11 in samples from people coming from Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa and Asia. In a study mas, DNA from blood samples of 193 men from Crete and 171 blood samples of men from mainland Greece, living in communities with known Neolithic settlements. They are located in New Izmit (near Veria) Sesklo and Dimini (area of Volos), the Cave of the fence (around Kranidi) and Lerna in the Argolid prefecture.

Moving men and women.

The first interesting question was whether, in the Neolithic period, people came to Greece by land or sea. The absence of a specific genetic constitution (the J2b-M12), residents of neighboring areas on the Bosphorus, suggests that Neolithic people of Greece came mainly by sea using boats. Travel by sea men might be interpreted by the fact that sailors were predominantly male. Conversely, women moved mainly by land.

Comparison of DNA Greece Italia.

The archaeological excavations in southern Italy revealed several Neolithic settlements. Moreover, it is known that these areas were colonized in historical times by Greeks. The results showed that the contribution of the Greeks (the samples from the Peloponnese) in the DNA of the Y chromosome is 7% of men and 22% in Calabria, Puglia.

Neolithic inhabitants of Crete, mainland Greece. The results of DNA analysis of Y chromosome population of Crete showed that it ranked with the people of Anatolia, while samples from the areas of the mainland classified with Balkan populations. Therefore, genetic effects seem to support the theory that the Neolithic inhabitants of Crete came from Anatolia. Of course, our studies with other genetic markers showed that the Neolithic people came to mainland Greece from Anatolia.

Noteworthy is the case of samples from Lerna/Fence Cave in the Peloponnese, which show affinities with the population of Crete. This probably reflects the geographical interaction between the people of Crete and the Peloponnese. Indeed, it could indicate the post-colonization of Crete in 1100 BC by people from mainland Greece, as represented by the index mononoukleotidiko E-V13. The existence of this index was found with a frequency of 35% in Thessaly and the Peloponnese, while the incidence in Crete as low as 7% and shows the continental contribution to genetic variants of the Y chromosome found in Crete. The percentage contribution of the Greek mainland to Crete is estimated to be around 20%.

The chronology of the spread of simple-group J2a1h-M319 in Crete is estimated to have occurred around 3100 BC. The significance of these results are provocative in archeology. The chronology of 3100 years BC is very important for historians, since it marks the boundary between the Neolithic and Bronze Age Crete, a period associated with a number of significant changes in the organization of social services, demographics, cultural goods, technology, iconography and the funeral ritual. Many researchers have suggested that the arrival of new population was responsible for signaling these changes, a socio-cultural uplift from which sprang the famed Minoan civilization. The new striking features associated with the early Bronze Age in Crete, have been associated ways, eg be due to colonization of Greece and especially Crete from Egypt/Libya, Syria/ Palestine or the eastern Aegean/Anatolia. In connection with the assumption that the Minoan culture due to colonization by Egypt and Libya, the majority of haplogroups E3b1-M78 is characterized by mononoukleotidiko Index V13, both in Crete and mainland Greece, while in the samples analyzed from Egypt not found this single nucleotide polymorfismos. This result shows that there has been recent genetic contact between Egypt and Crete and mainland Greece. In other words, the Greek place not inhabited by residents of Egypt. Instead, the results of DNA analysis in fact provide evidence in support of population movements from Anatolia.

These results put the gravestone on the afrocentric theory of "Black Athena", delivered by Martin Bernal and recently Skopjans.

In addition, the Y chromosome DNA of Greeks was investigated by 6 different research groups were 925 men. From a thorough study of the data reveals that the genetic composition of the Greeks at a rate of 99.5% is Caucasian (white). The contribution that the genetic makeup of the Greeks and other groups (blacks or Mongolians) is a minimal percentage (less than 0.5%).

DNA data and age of the Greek language

Genetic data contribute to the serious conflicts that are on aegean history. Ie in the process of mycenaeation of Cretan society, at the end of the Bronze Age. Somewhere in the middle of the 15th century BC, Crete was a series of important socio-economic changes, as evidenced by the adoption of the first mainland-Greek Linear B tablets, the burial practices, iconography and cultural goods. These cultural transformations have been interpreted by many scientists as people move to Crete from mainland Greece and especially the region of Mycenae. The data from DNA analysis of Y chromosome can be regarded as additional evidence that some of these changes, the Late Bronze Age, actually due to move/descent continental human populations. On the other hand, it could be argued, since the language of the Cretan Minoan era was Greek, the Greek language was formulated long ago, and since it is possible to develop an oral formulation at the same time as writing. Therefore, the Greek language was formulated long ago and perhaps the formatting of dates to the time of formation of Neolithic settlements in Sesklo and Dimini, VII millennium BC.

Ван мреже Bozidar Stevana Ostojic

  • Шегрт
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  • Поруке: 54
  • E-V13, Orlovici-Bjelice, Sveti Georgije - Djurdjic
Одг: Грци
« Одговор #15 послато: Септембар 26, 2013, 11:57:21 пре подне »
Mitochondrial DNA Study Reveals Origins of Minoan Civilization


  • Гост
Одг: Грци
« Одговор #16 послато: Септембар 27, 2013, 02:00:59 поподне »

This result shows that there has been recent genetic contact between Egypt and Crete and mainland Greece. In other words, the Greek place not inhabited by residents of Egypt. Instead, the results of DNA analysis in fact provide evidence in support of population movements from Anatolia.

These results put the gravestone on the afrocentric theory of "Black Athena", delivered by Martin Bernal and recently Skopjans.

Bravo, to je ono što se moglo i pretpostaviti. Ostojiću 10 plus za entuzijazam da pronađeš prave rezultate.

Ван мреже Bozidar Stevana Ostojic

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  • E-V13, Orlovici-Bjelice, Sveti Georgije - Djurdjic
Одг: Грци
« Одговор #17 послато: Септембар 27, 2013, 06:29:08 поподне »

На мрежи Небојша

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« Одговор #18 послато: Мај 16, 2014, 12:15:45 пре подне »

Ван мреже Kor

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Одг: Грци
« Одговор #19 послато: Мај 29, 2014, 10:56:39 поподне »
сумњиво ми је ово мало.... где је овде I2a?