ДНК порекло > Народи и њихова генетика

Serbian from dalmatia (Krajina) analysis and results

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The Balkan is make up of Bulgarian, Greek and Romanian samples while The east european is make up of Russians, polish, Hungarians and Ukrainian samples.

British and ashkenazi are not real, it's statistical noise. But the east asian (make up of chinese, mongolians, Uyghur, japenese samples) is real and "recent" within 10 generations following chromosome recombination law.

The east asian segment that begins at 208 mb on chromosome 1 and finished at 220 mb. That serbian person possess nucleotides that does not exist among modern europeans. Hence, the  east asian haplotype.

Custom Chromosome painting by Douglas Mcdonald chemistry professor at illinois university and creator of FTDNA's population finder.
The middle east DNA is old and common in the balkan area but the east-asian is rarer and reflect contact with Turkic people like the Tatar.

After phasing of the data, it appears that the east asian is from the paternal side of that person.

Ово делује занимљиво. Објасни нам на српском сад, да се не мучимо. :)

Александар Невски:
Михайло, слажем се са Небойшом. Ово би могло бити изузетно користно за поређење. Колико видим, ти си урадио испитивање опште генетике код 23АндМе-а.
Я прѣ 3 недѣље урадих то код ФТДНА-е, па би било яко користно ако бисмо могли упоредити податке на рачуначих Додекада, МДЛП-а и Еурогенес-а. Ако се не сналазиш са тим, могу ти я све то одрадити, и послати и твойе и мойе исходе, ради поређења. То би изискивало да ми некако пошаљеш твойе податке у ЦСВ датотеци. Ако ти йе немило давати свойе личне податке, могу и я теби послати мойе. Шта велиш?

Thank you for your interests. Zao mi je, ne mogu odgovoriti na sprskom,  nemam dovoljno recnika :(

Here is the dodecad K12b of that Serbian

Here is the eurogenes k13

The numbers here are correct for a serbian person, or somebody from balkan. Still, the asian number is slightly high.

Also, that person is DPD023 in the dodecad project , you can compare her result toward other serbian here in these spreadsheet :

Dodecad  "WEAC2" https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArAJcY18g2GadFRGaHlLRFBxVzJLNzVOekVEaG1OelE#gid=2

Dodecad "GLOBE13 " https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArAJcY18g2GadF9CLUJnTUdSbkVJaDR2UkRtUE9kaUE#gid=0

I have her population finder

Continent (Subcontinent)   Population   Percentage   Margin of Error

Europe (Western European)   French, Orcadian   78,48%   ±7,37%
Middle East   Iranian, Jewish, Adygei, Druze    21,52%   ±7,37%

Nadam se ja pomazem !  :)

What are your numbers Alexander Nevsky ?

Александар Невски:
Ево и мойих:


Gedrosia 2.72
Siberian 1.20
Northwest_African 0.76
Southeast_Asian 0.26
Atlantic_Med 29.15
North_European 37.97
South_Asian 0.07
East_African 0.00
Southwest_Asian 6.30
East_Asian 0.07
Caucasus 21.49
Sub_Saharan 0.00

Eurogenes K13 Admixture Proportions

North European   45.85%
West African   -   
Mediterranean   30.17%
Northeast African   0.44%
North Eurasian   1.13%
South Asian   -   
Southwest Asian   4.78%
Pygmy   -   
Caucasus   10.34%
East Siberian   -   
East Asian   0.90%
Amerindian   -   
West Central Asian   6.39%


Europe (Western European)     French, Orcadian     89.10%     ±8.43%
Middle East    Palestinian, Iranian, Jewish, Adygei, Bedouin, Bedouin South, Druze    10.90%    ±8.43%

Ова прва два су ни прилично слична. Очекивах да ће далматински узорак имати више сѣверне Европе од мене.

Имаш ли остале? И йел ти писанийе долѣ од Дага МекДоналда?


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