Аутор Тема: Древна ДНК  (Прочитано 202835 пута)

Ван мреже Đorđo

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Одг: Древна ДНК
« Одговор #100 послато: Јул 30, 2015, 08:29:16 поподне »
За нас интересантан рад о древној ДНК у најави


Farmers of Macedonia before 5500 years
Lactose intolerance were the village residents of the Bronze Age (2500 BC-1850 BC) to position Xeropigado Valley Kozani and therefore could not digest milk.
  Terracotta figurine from Stavroupolis Thessaloniki

Terracotta figurine from Stavroupolis Thessaloniki
Moreover they had brown eyes and dark skin. The new data revealed DNA analysis of skeletal remains found in the cemetery of the Bronze Age, one of the few such periods were investigated systematically in the area of ​​Macedonia.
The ancient DNA opens a new window on archaeological research and analysis provides valuable data, such as those in the cemetery Xeropigado spanning 1,500 square meters, retained 214 graves and "hosted" 22 dead. More will be known at a workshop organized in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, on Thursday (30/7), at the exhibition entitled "Ancient DNA. Window to the past and the future ", which will last until May 2016.
Distinguished palaiogenetistes from around the world will give complementary information and details on the collection of data and the responses to the DNA in a series issues.
Clay female figurine from Pontokomi and lower bottle Paliambela Pieria (both objects date back to the Middle Neolithic Period)
Clay female figurine from Pontokomi and lower bottle Paliambela Pieria (both objects date back to the Middle Neolithic Period)
"The analysis of ancient DNA gives us the morphological characteristics, pathologies, the functioning of the body and movements of the population of ancient human," explains the "Nation", the assistant professor of Physical Anthropology at the Department of History and Ethnology, Democritus University of Thrace scientific responsible of the workshop, Christina Papageorgopoulou. An equally important finding for Greece is the recovery of entire genomes of three prehistoric farmers who lived in northern Greece 7500-5500 thousand years ago. These farmers from Neolithic settlements in Paliampela Kolindrou and Revenia Korinou Pieria and the Kleitos Kozanis so scientists have now concentrated their whole DNA.
"These data are analyzed and will certainly shed light on the ancestral relationships of the first Europeans and provide a wealth of information related to functional and morphological characteristics," noted Ms. Papageorgopoulou. The ancient DNA is any amount of DNA that can be recovered from dead organisms skeletons, mummies, prehistoric remains and extinct animals. Through complex and time-consuming laboratory analyzes reconstructed biological history and evolution of ancient and modern populations, humans and animals.
By studying the scientists can now understand the genetic relationship of modern humans with extinct species of the genus Homo, such as Neanderthals, seek answers to questions such as the introduction of the Neolithic way of production, to study the evolution of morphological characteristics, to determine the degree of relatedness among ancient skeletons to certify the existence of pathologies and longitudinal study on the development of diseases.
"We can reconstruct a real biography of prehistoric people," say the scientists.
The exhibition "Ancient DNA. Window on the Past and Future "introduces the visitor in a simple and concise manner, without compromising the scientific validity, the study of ancient DNA and its results. With concise way shows all successive stages of palaiogenetikis investigation, ie the collection and sampling of the material, the laboratory analysis, processing and interpretation of data, as well as all categories of results that may be offered.
It also includes rich visual material, film projection and display of objects used in the laboratory in the process of analysis of ancient DNA. The material is framed by ancient objects discovered during archaeological investigations in the same places in northern Greece from which comes the skeletal material underlying the research of the Democritus University of Thrace.
MARIA RITZALEOU [email protected]

Ван мреже Kyrios

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« Одговор #101 послато: Август 04, 2015, 05:41:52 поподне »
Ево новог рада о древној ДНК:

Allentoft et al., Bronze Age population dynamics, selection, and the formation of Eurasian genetic structure, Nature 522, 167–172 (11 June 2015) doi:10.1038/nature14507


The Bronze Age of Eurasia (around 3000–1000 BC) was a period of major cultural changes. However, there is debate about whether these changes resulted from the circulation of ideas or from human migrations, potentially also facilitating the spread of languages and certain phenotypic traits. We investigated this by using new, improved methods to sequence low-coverage genomes from 101 ancient humans from across Eurasia. We show that the Bronze Age was a highly dynamic period involving large-scale population migrations and replacements, responsible for shaping major parts of present-day demographic structure in both Europe and Asia. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesized spread of Indo-European languages during the Early Bronze Age. We also demonstrate that light skin pigmentation in Europeans was already present at high frequency in the Bronze Age, but not lactose tolerance, indicating a more recent onset of positive selection on lactose tolerance than previously thought.

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Ван мреже Kyrios

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Одг: Древна ДНК
« Одговор #102 послато: Август 04, 2015, 06:18:23 поподне »
Занимљиво је да међу 5 узорака из Yamnaya културе који су анализирани у раду Allentoft et al. четири узорка припадају Y-DNA хаплогрупи R1b а један Y-DNA хаплогрупи I2a2a1b1b2 (S12195).

Потсећам да је у раду Haak et al., Massive migration from the steppe is a source for Indo-European languages in Europe, Nature 522, 207–211 (11 June 2015) doi:10.1038/nature14317, за све анализиране узорке из Yamnaya културе установљено да припадају Y-DNA хаплогрупи R1b.

Ван мреже Korisnik77

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« Одговор #103 послато: Август 04, 2015, 08:59:37 поподне »
Čini se da je tehnologija u pretjodnoj godini značajno napredovala, te da je moguće ispitati uzorke dnk u mnogo lošijem stanju nego do sada. Da li ima kakvih indicija da će se ponovo pokušati sa uzimanjem uzorka Despota Stefana? Da li su nove tehnologije dostupne manjim istraživačkim centrima (kao što je našu BG)?

Ван мреже Kyrios

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« Одговор #104 послато: Август 04, 2015, 09:13:40 поподне »
Čini se da je tehnologija u pretjodnoj godini značajno napredovala, te da je moguće ispitati uzorke dnk u mnogo lošijem stanju nego do sada. Da li ima kakvih indicija da će se ponovo pokušati sa uzimanjem uzorka Despota Stefana? Da li su nove tehnologije dostupne manjim istraživačkim centrima (kao što je našu BG)?

Пратећи шта раде у тој области стекао сам утисак да сама технологија није основни проблем, основни проблем је колико је узорак очуван и колико је контаминиран. Зато ме и не чуди то што највише успешно анализираних узорака потиче из крајева где клима доприноси томе да се боље очувају. Такође, не можеш, на пример, да очекујеш да узорак из моштију кнеза Лазара није контаминиран имајући у виду шта су његове мошти све прошле.

На мрежи Небојша

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« Одговор #105 послато: Август 07, 2015, 01:52:53 поподне »
Ево како су изгледали неолитски фармери (E1b + G2?) са простора северне Грчке:

Very important recent finding is the recovery of entire genomes of three prehistoric farmers who lived in northern Greece 7500-5500 years BP. These data are analyzed and are expected to shed light on the ancestral relationships of the first Europeans and provide a wealth of information, related to functional and morphological characteristics. Already it is known that some of our neolithic ancestors could not digest milk, ie it was intolerant to lactose and had brown eyes and dark skin.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/iVI3y3I8wnk" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/iVI3y3I8wnk</a>


Ван мреже Bozidar Stevana Ostojic

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Одг: Древна ДНК
« Одговор #106 послато: Август 07, 2015, 07:53:09 поподне »
Ево како су изгледали неолитски фармери (E1b + G2?) са простора северне Грчке:

How Europeans evolved white skin
By Ann Gibbons

Common European traits like pale skin evolved relatively recently in central and southern Europe
ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI - Most of us think of Europe as the ancestral home of white people. But a new study shows that pale skin, as well as other traits such as tallness and the ability to digest milk as adults, arrived in most of the continent relatively recently. The work, presented here last week at the 84th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, offers dramatic evidence of recent evolution in Europe and shows that most modern Europeans don’t look much like those of 8000 years ago.
The origins of Europeans have come into sharp focus in the past year as researchers have sequenced the genomes of ancient populations, rather than only a few individuals. By comparing key parts of the DNA across the genomes of 83 ancient individuals from archaeological sites throughout Europe, the international team of researchers reported earlier this year that Europeans today are a mix of the blending of at least three ancient populations of hunter-gatherers and farmers who moved into Europe in separate migrations over the past 8000 years. The study revealed that a massive migration of Yamnaya herders from the steppes north of the Black Sea may have brought Indo-European languages to Europe about 4500 years ago.
Now, a new study from the same team drills down further into that remarkable data to search for genes that were under strong natural selection - including traits so favorable that they spread rapidly throughout Europe in the past 8000 years. By comparing the ancient European genomes with those of recent ones from the 1000 Genomes Project, population geneticist Iain Mathieson, a postdoc in the Harvard University lab of population geneticist David Reich, found five genes associated with changes in diet and skin pigmentation that underwent strong natural selection.
First, the scientists confirmed an earlier report that the hunter-gatherers in Europe could not digest the sugars in milk 8000 years ago, according to a poster. They also noted an interesting twist: The first farmers also couldn’t digest milk. The farmers who came from the Near East about 7800 years ago and the Yamnaya pastoralists who came from the steppes 4800 years ago lacked the version of the LCT gene that allows adults to digest sugars in milk. It wasn’t until about 4300 years ago that lactose tolerance swept through Europe.
When it comes to skin color, the team found a patchwork of evolution in different places, and three separate genes that produce light skin, telling a complex story for how European’s skin evolved to be much lighter during the past 8000 years. The modern humans who came out of Africa to originally settle Europe about 40,000 years are presumed to have had dark skin, which is advantageous in sunny latitudes. And the new data confirm that about 8500 years ago, early hunter-gatherers in Spain, Luxembourg, and Hungary also had darker skin: They lacked versions of two genes—SLC24A5 and SLC45A2—that lead to depigmentation and, therefore, pale skin in Europeans today.
But in the far north—where low light levels would favor pale skin—the team found a different picture in hunter-gatherers: Seven people from the 7700-year-old Motala archaeological site in southern Sweden had both light skin gene variants, SLC24A5 and SLC45A2. They also had a third gene, HERC2/OCA2, which causes blue eyes and may also contribute to light skin and blond hair. Thus ancient hunter-gatherers of the far north were already pale and blue-eyed, but those of central and southern Europe had darker skin.
Then, the first farmers from the Near East arrived in Europe; they carried both genes for light skin. As they interbred with the indigenous hunter-gatherers, one of their light-skin genes swept through Europe, so that central and southern Europeans also began to have lighter skin. The other gene variant, SLC45A2, was at low levels until about 5800 years ago when it swept up to high frequency.
The team also tracked complex traits, such as height, which are the result of the interaction of many genes. They found that selection strongly favored several gene variants for tallness in northern and central Europeans, starting 8000 years ago, with a boost coming from the Yamnaya migration, starting 4800 years ago. The Yamnaya have the greatest genetic potential for being tall of any of the populations, which is consistent with measurements of their ancient skeletons. In contrast, selection favored shorter people in Italy and Spain starting 8000 years ago, according to the paper now posted on the bioRxiv preprint server. Spaniards, in particular, shrank in stature 6000 years ago, perhaps as a result of adapting to colder temperatures and a poor diet.
Surprisingly, the team found no immune genes under intense selection, which is counter to hypotheses that diseases would have increased after the development of agriculture.
The paper doesn’t specify why these genes might have been under such strong selection. But the likely explanation for the pigmentation genes is to maximize vitamin D synthesis, said paleoanthropologist Nina Jablonski of Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), University Park, as she looked at the poster’s results at the meeting. People living in northern latitudes often don’t get enough UV to synthesize vitamin D in their skin so natural selection has favored two genetic solutions to that problem - evolving pale skin that absorbs UV more efficiently or favoring lactose tolerance to be able to digest the sugars and vitamin D naturally found in milk. “What we thought was a fairly simple picture of the emergence of depigmented skin in Europe is an exciting patchwork of selection as populations disperse into northern latitudes,” Jablonski says. “This data is fun because it shows how much recent evolution has taken place.”
Anthropological geneticist George Perry, also of Penn State, notes that the work reveals how an individual’s genetic potential is shaped by their diet and adaptation to their habitat. “We’re getting a much more detailed picture now of how selection works.”

Ван мреже Korisnik77

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« Одговор #107 послато: Август 16, 2015, 10:24:44 поподне »
Genetiker je na svojoj stranici ( https://genetiker.wordpress.com/2015/08/ ) objavio rezultate koje do sada nisam vidio.Radi se o uzorku lovca-sakupljača iz Mezolita (5500 b.c) sa ostrvca Stora Förvar, u blizini Gotlanda. Za rezultate komentariše da su ili I1 ili pre I1, i daje na koje snp-ove je pozitivan odziv.

На мрежи Небојша

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« Одговор #108 послато: Септембар 01, 2015, 05:45:01 поподне »

Синиша Јерковић

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« Одговор #109 послато: Септембар 01, 2015, 08:16:44 поподне »
More Y-SNP calls from Iron and Bronze Age Bulgaria


Колико видим, углавном се ради о трачанским гробовима, четири мушка скелета, од којих је један Е1б, други Ј2а , за трећег Генетикер вјерује да је Р1б источни, а за четвртог ништа није написано.

На мрежи Небојша

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« Одговор #110 послато: Септембар 02, 2015, 08:45:16 поподне »
Колико видим, углавном се ради о трачанским гробовима, четири мушка скелета, од којих је један Е1б, други Ј2а , за трећег Генетикер вјерује да је Р1б источни, а за четвртог ништа није написано.

Узорак K8 је највероватније припадао аристократском слоју. Видимо да је J2a. Веровало се да је тај слој Трачана R1a.

Треба се осврнути и на аутосомалне резултате:



97.86% European
1.65% Amerindian
0.49% African
0.00% Asian


46.81% West_Asian
36.90% Atlantic_Baltic
13.62% Southern
2.68% Palaeo_African
0.00% Amerindian
0.00% Australasian
0.00% East_Asian
0.00% Neo_African
0.00% Siberian
0.00% South_Asian


39.15% West_Asian
36.95% Mediterranean
20.05% North_European
2.99% Palaeo_African
0.85% Southwest_Asian
0.00% Amerindian
0.00% Arctic
0.00% Australasian
0.00% East_African
0.00% East_Asian
0.00% Siberian
0.00% South_Asian
0.00% West_African

Чак 36.90% Атлантик-Балтик?

Ван мреже Korisnik77

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« Одговор #111 послато: Септембар 11, 2015, 10:32:03 поподне »

Vrlo interesantan članak. Piše, izmedju ostalog, da novi rezultati pomjeraju nastanak homo sapiensa izmedju 100000 i 400000 godina. To bi moglo znaciti da je se Homo Sapiens odvojio  prije 350000 ili cak 600000 godina.

Ван мреже Bane

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« Одговор #112 послато: Септембар 14, 2015, 02:30:30 поподне »
Puno G2a u Anatoliji pre 8300 god, Genome-wide data on 34 ancient Anatolians identifies the founding population of the European Neolithic: http://www.unz.com/gnxp/ashg-2015-abstracts-of-interest/

I nijedna E haplogrupa.

Ван мреже Korisnik77

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« Одговор #113 послато: Септембар 20, 2015, 09:32:38 пре подне »
Jedan ruski rad, nisam uspio da ga prevedem i pročitam ali konačno prvi drevni J1: dva Sarmatska uzorka iz 2.-3.v.n.e. su J1. Nadjeni su u Beslanu. U sjevernoj Osetiji.

Ван мреже Korisnik77

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« Одговор #114 послато: Септембар 20, 2015, 01:36:17 поподне »


Radonić II

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« Одговор #115 послато: Септембар 20, 2015, 02:23:56 поподне »
Sarmati, Sarmati... dušu mi vade ;D

Sama lokacija nije iznenađnje, Kavkaz je pun pripadnika J1 haplogrupe i ima ih i u Osetiji, ali nisam očekivao da će se naći u okviru sarmatske kulture. Ne mogu da prežalim što nisu pronađeni muški ostaci u humci gde je pronađena sarmatska princeza sa natpisom na hebrejskom.
Pogledaću rad, koliko se snađem

Radonić II

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« Одговор #116 послато: Септембар 20, 2015, 04:22:03 поподне »
ljiljane, da li ima neki drugi link? Za ovaj mi daje obaveštenje da nije moguće pristupiti materijalu.

Ван мреже Bane

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« Одговор #117 послато: Октобар 12, 2015, 09:50:08 поподне »
Eight thousand years of natural selection in Europe: http://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/10/016477
I tabela koja sadrzi rezultate velikog broja uzoraka stare DNK. Veci deo je poznat od ranije ali ima i novih: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Vjbp450AwI7R-Y9J1YGSm9FjJWu9s9lx1azjUJbS8hQ

На мрежи Небојша

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« Одговор #118 послато: Новембар 16, 2015, 06:21:00 поподне »
Пронађена днк дечака из племена Инка:


Припада хаплогрупи C1

Ван мреже Bane

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« Одговор #119 послато: Новембар 16, 2015, 06:39:48 поподне »
Skoro 14000 godina stara I2a u Svajcarskoj i preko 13000 godina stara J2a u Gruziji, Upper Palaeolithic genomes reveal deep roots of modern Eurasians: http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/151116/ncomms9912/full/ncomms9912.html

Supplementary Information: http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/151116/ncomms9912/extref/ncomms9912-s1.pdf