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Да ли се FTDNA upgrade чека мање времена него да се тест ради испочетка

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Narucili smo upgrade za FTDNA sa 37 na BigY test
Da li se to ceka manje nego da se radi ispocetka?
Npr ono nece ponovo raditi prva 3 str panela pa ce ukupno cekanje ispasti krace?

Драган Обреновић:

--- Цитат: dons  Август 03, 2023, 10:36:34 поподне ---Narucili smo upgrade za FTDNA sa 37 na BigY test
Da li se to ceka manje nego da se radi ispocetka?
Npr ono nece ponovo raditi prva 3 str panela pa ce ukupno cekanje ispasti krace?

--- Крај цитата ---

Big Y-700 тест код FTNDA су заправо два независна теста (у погледу процеса и технологије).

Онај прави "велики" NGS тест Y хромозома, не зависи од резултата очитавања STR маркера и траје колико траје (трајање варира сезонски, у зависности од "гужве" у лабораторији, односно број пристиглих узорака).

Панели STR маркера раде се за то време раде паралелно и ту ће период чекања бити можда нешто краћи, јер су првих 37 маркера већ очитали раније.

Procitao sam na nekim forumima da FYDna ni ne znaju da li je test uspio dok ga ne zavrse do kraja .Posto je na istom uzorku vec radjen family Finder I y37 nadam se da će uzorak uspeti.Uzorak je star oko 2 godine


--- Цитат: dons  Август 07, 2023, 02:58:48 пре подне ---Hvala
Procitao sam na nekim forumima da FYDna ni ne znaju da li je test uspio dok ga ne zavrse do kraja .Posto je na istom uzorku vec radjen family Finder I y37 nadam se da će uzorak uspeti.Uzorak je star oko 2 godine

--- Крај цитата ---
Наручио сам Y-700 надоградњу код FTDNA у Децембру 2019 и завршили су неколико мјесеци касније. Користили су узорак што су примили од мене у Јануару далеке 2012 године кад сам наручио Y-DNA37 и успјело је како треба. Али чуо сам за случај кад надоградња није успјела јер је узорак био стар (једно 7-8 година).

Kakva je ovo greska?

We are contacting you regarding the Big Y-700 upgrade for kit N xxxxxx Your email is either listed as the primary for this kit or was listed in the billing address for this order.

I'm sorry your Big Y-700 results are delayed. The Big Y-700 test typically takes 6-10 weeks to process on average.

Unfortunately, your sample experienced a quality control failure at the end of its most recent run and we are starting a rerun immediately at the highest priority.

I understand you are eager for the results of your testing, and we do not like to postpone tests for our customers. However, there are instances when samples can require additional testing. Our lab works to reduce the situations where this would be necessary whenever possible.

While it is rare that this next rerun would also fail to pass quality control and produce results, it does happen from time to time. Please ensure that your mailing address is current by editing the Contact Information under your Account Settings. We will contact you if a new collection is required at such time.

At this time, no further action or response is required. If this rerun passes quality control, you can expect your results within the next 6 weeks. It is possible results may come back sooner than this timeframe, as your sample is being processed at the highest priority and the lab is working to reduce delays.

We will notify you once the results are available or if anything else is needed on your end.

We always strive to deliver results as quickly as we can without compromising the quality of those results, and we regret that the need to run your test another time will cause a delay in delivering your results to you. We'll send you an email notification once the results have passed quality control and are posted to your account.


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