ДНК порекло > Народи и њихова генетика


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--- Цитат: Небојша  Јануар 29, 2016, 04:07:22 поподне ---Assembly of a large Y-STR haplotype database for the Czech population and investigation of its substructure (2009)

1750 хаплотипова са простора Чешке

Buccal swab samples were obtained from 1750 unrelated male individuals from 14 regions of the Czech Republic including the capital region (Fig. 1): Prague (n = 1595), Central Bohemia (198), South Bohemia (111), Karlovy Vary (31), Plzen (62), Liberec (45), Usti nad Labem (87), Hradec Kralove (49), Pardubice (84), South Moravia (216), Moravia-Silesia (115), Zlin (64), Olomouc (53), Vysocina (40).

The samples were obtained as a part of a commercial genetic testing service offering paternal ancestry determination. It was ensured that all participating individuals were paternally unrelated at least three last generations in this way

(старе ознаке)

R1a = 36,94%
R1b = 24,82%
I1b1 (I2a) = 9,07%
I1a = 8,33%
E3b = 6,63%
J2 = 4,50%
G2 = 2,69%
I1b2a = 2,53%
N = 2,36%
J1 = 1,15%
Q = 0,33%
L = 0,27%
I1b2 = 0,22%
H = 0,16%

--- Крај цитата ---

Могуће је да су неки хаплотипови из овог истраживања погрешно смештени, дешавало се то  раније са старим ознакама. Очигледно је да постоје неке ситне грешке са старим ознакама.

Чеси 1750 хаплотипа, ради се о истом раду. 

Занимљив рад на тему примене генетичке генеалогије у истраживању породичне историје.
Тестиран је већи број појединаца са истим презименима у циљу испитивања могуће везе.

--- Цитат ---Abstract
A young scientific field called genetic genealogy offers new tools for studying family history and helps to trace distant genetic kinship in the direct maternal and pateral line. There is no compact publication in Czech or Slovak language available so far, therefore the aim of the theoretical part of this master thesis is to describe genetic genealogy, its principles and possibilities. One of the most common methods used in genetic genealogy, the study of common transmission through generations of hereditary surnames and Y chromosome, was chosen for the practical part of the thesis. In the geographical region of the Czech Republic and in the surrounding countries the surname is inherited from father to his son, just like the Y
chromosome. Because of multiple founders of some surnames, genetic drift, non-paternity events, adoptions or mutations which occur in the Y chromosome, the correlation can be different in different surnames. In the practical part we studied the link between paternal heredity of Y chromosome STR markers and male surname among 20 chosen surnames with 100 to 300 carriers. Totally 1134 people were contacted and 55 of them agreed to take part in this study. As another population data were used 55 Y STR haplotpyes from the database of Criminalistic Institute Prag. For the genetical analysis of the samples was used the commercial kit Yfiler, which allows simultaneous amplification of 17 STR markers. The results suggest that in the chosen surname sample, which involves ca 18 % of masculine population, is up to 30% chance of finding matching Y chromosome haplotype between two men carrying the same surname. Besides the use of common generation transfer of Y chromosome and surname in genetic genealogy, the information about this relationship could be used in forensic genetics, in case of identification of victims of mass disasters, imigration politics and clinical genetics.

--- Крај цитата ---

У раду су дати хаплотипови Yfiler на 17 маркера.
Линк:  https://is.muni.cz/th/356823/prif_m/Ewerlingova_DP_Geneticka_genealogie.pdf


--- Цитат: Владица Цонић  Август 31, 2017, 02:30:25 поподне ---Занимљив рад на тему примене генетичке генеалогије у истраживању породичне историје.
Тестиран је већи број појединаца са истим презименима у циљу испитивања могуће везе.
У раду су дати хаплотипови Yfiler на 17 маркера.
Линк:  https://is.muni.cz/th/356823/prif_m/Ewerlingova_DP_Geneticka_genealogie.pdf

--- Крај цитата ---

Да, занимљив рад. Вриједи прегледати хаплотипове.

Примјетих да  G2a чешких Луцака не стоји далеко од резултата Мезгаљана Зоговића.

Бубела 1 има дробњачки хаплотип. На 17 маркера потпуно се поклапа са Нуждом, Брашњовићем и Величковићем.

Тума5 близак нашим I1-M227 хаплотиповима, 1 маркер разлике на 17.


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