ДНК порекло > Aрхеологија и археогенетика

Древна ДНК - научни радови

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Црна Гуја:
Нажалост нема Y-ДНК.

--- Цитат ---The Jomon period of the Japanese Archipelago, characterized by cord-marked ‘jomon’ potteries, has yielded abundant human skeletal remains. However, the genetic origins of the Jomon people and their relationships with modern populations have not been clarified. We determined a total of 115 million base pair nuclear genome sequences from two Jomon individuals (male and female each) from the Sanganji Shell Mound (dated 3000 years before present) with the Jomon-characteristic mitochondrial DNA haplogroup N9b, and compared these nuclear genome sequences with those of worldwide populations. We found that the Jomon population lineage is best considered to have diverged before diversification of present-day East Eurasian populations, with no evidence of gene flow events between the Jomon and other continental populations. This suggests that the Sanganji Jomon people descended from an early phase of population dispersals in East Asia. We also estimated that the modern mainland Japanese inherited <20% of Jomon peoples’ genomes. Our findings, based on the first analysis of Jomon nuclear genome sequence data, firmly demonstrate that the modern mainland Japanese resulted from genetic admixture of the indigenous Jomon people and later migrants.
--- Крај цитата ---



Ево маркера из рада о Баварији.  :)


--- Цитат: Atlantische  Фебруар 02, 2017, 07:28:21 поподне ---February 02, 2017

The Neolithic Transition in the Baltic Was Not Driven by Admixture with Early European Farmers

•A degree of genetic continuity from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic in the Baltic
•Steppe-related genetic influences found in the Baltic during the Neolithic
•No Anatolian farmer-related genetic admixture in Neolithic Baltic samples
•Steppe ancestry in Latvia at the time of the emergence of Balto-Slavic languages

И најзанимљивији део.

Further, the Y chromosomes of two of four Latvian Mesolithic samples were assigned to haplogroup R1b (the maximum-likelihood sub-haplogroup is R1b1b), which is the most common haplogroup found in modern Western Europeans.

--- Крај цитата ---

Та мезолитска R1b свакако није старосједилачка на том простору, јер су носиоци Нарва културе на тај простор дошли из Самаре (Русија), гдје већ имамо древну R1b1* из отприлике истог периода. Археолошки налази такође подупиру тезу да су становници Нарва културе дошли у касном мезолиту.
Around Lake Baikal in Siberia the favoured form of pot combined the pointed-base shape with an everted rim. The pots were mainly built up from clay coils, pinched together, and often left undecorated. This type of pottery reached the Samara region in the middle Volga River valley by 7000 BC... It was the first pottery in Europe. From there pottery of the same type had spread to the Baltic and Scandinavia by about 5500 BC, before any sign of contact with farming.

^Успут, узорци из Литваније су I2, док су ови из Летоније R1b.

Црна Гуја:
Ancestry and demography and descendants of Iron Age nomads of the Eurasian Steppe


Између осталог, прoнађен је и један R1b-Z2103 међу Сарматима.

Extensive farming in Estonia started through a sex-biased migration from the Steppe


У три узорка из Corded Ware културе потврђена је R1a-Z645, а један од њих је и Z283+. Узорак из Comb Ceramic културе је R1a-YP1272.


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