Аутор Тема: Looking: Micić from Kučevo, Braničevo, Serbia  (Прочитано 3420 пута)

Ван мреже HMicic

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Looking: Micić from Kučevo, Braničevo, Serbia
« послато: Август 23, 2024, 10:43:55 пре подне »
Hello, this is my first post on the forum. Posting from Brisbane, Australia.

I am looking for information about my Grandfather's brother and father. I have a lot of information and documents from my Grandfather, Živojin Micić, born 3-8-20 in Kučevo, Braničevo, Serbia. I know he had an older brother Aleksandar who was killed, I believe in combat or shot. Živojin was born to Milan Micić and Natalija Jovanović.

My questions:
1. Where can I find more information on Aleksandar Micić (my great uncle) and his place/cause of death?
2. My Great Grandfather, Milan Micić was apparently the town mayor - I am unsure of which town (assuming Kučevo?)
3. Where can I find the marriage records and death records of Milan and Natalija?

My Grandfather passed away in 1991, and my Father in 2023, so I feel it is my duty now to track down the family history and piece together the snippits of stories and information that I have been given. Živojin came to Australia in 1950 as a displaced person following WWII. He was a pilot in the Royal Yugoslav Air Force.

Thank you for any help you can offer me. I find the provinces quite confusing and unsure where Kučevo's records fall. Please let me know if you need any further information.

Kind regards,
Hannah Micic

На мрежи Ивица Јовановић

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Одг: Looking: Micić from Kučevo, Braničevo, Serbia
« Одговор #1 послато: Август 23, 2024, 11:16:58 пре подне »
Dear Hana,
Since I live relatively close to Kučevo and have many clients there, including some lawyers, I must inform you that no one has any information about someone named Milan Mićić being the head of the municipality before World War II. I was also told that the surname itself is unfamiliar. It’s possible that you might be referring to a nearby town, but what confuses me is that you specifically mentioned this place. Kučevo is a small town, more like a large village, and someone would only mention it if they were truly connected to it in some way. The surnames Mićić, and Mičić, are more commonly associated with regions further to the west. The only thing I was able to find, but for the surname Mičić, not Micić, is that a certain Stojan Mičić from Kučevo was killed in 1941. His father’s name was Mihajlo.
Милутин Бранковић, 4. ескадрон Коњичке дивизије. Крф 26.04.1916.
Сава Питић, 13. Пук. Острво Видo 24.01.1916.
Сима Мијуцић, 9. пешадијски пук. Браунау 1917.

Ван мреже Бранкова

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Одг: Looking: Micić from Kučevo, Braničevo, Serbia
« Одговор #2 послато: Август 23, 2024, 01:45:45 поподне »

У Службеном војном листу од 01.10. 1940. г., наводи се Мицић М. Живојин као  један од унапређених официра у чин потпоручника ( ваздухопловство ). Средње име одговара имену оца, Милан.

У Општинским новинама 08. 05. 1941.г., у једном од огласа где се траже војна лица, спомиње се Живојин Мицић, родом из Петровца, ваздухопловни поручник ( последњи пут био у Сарајеву, Рајловац ).

Име, презиме и професија одговарају, једино место порекла не. Можда треба размотрити да је Живојин ипак био из Петровца ( на Млави ), можда само рођен у Кучеву ( ако је отац по служби тамо боравио из неког разлога или је мајка родом из Кучева ). То је свега око 30 км удаљености.

Ван мреже HMicic

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Одг: Looking: Micić from Kučevo, Braničevo, Serbia
« Одговор #3 послато: Август 24, 2024, 09:17:37 пре подне »
Dear Hana,
Since I live relatively close to Kučevo and have many clients there, including some lawyers, I must inform you that no one has any information about someone named Milan Mićić being the head of the municipality before World War II. I was also told that the surname itself is unfamiliar. It’s possible that you might be referring to a nearby town, but what confuses me is that you specifically mentioned this place. Kučevo is a small town, more like a large village, and someone would only mention it if they were truly connected to it in some way. The surnames Mićić, and Mičić, are more commonly associated with regions further to the west. The only thing I was able to find, but for the surname Mičić, not Micić, is that a certain Stojan Mičić from Kučevo was killed in 1941. His father’s name was Mihajlo.

Thank you for your help, Ivica. Kučevo is listed on all of his official documents as his place of birth. On his birth certificate which I will attach, it lists Milan as being a clerk, but on Zivojin's death certificate Milan is listed as the town mayor. As Brankova has suggested below it could be possible he was born and baptised in Kučevo but may have relocated to Petrovac.

Do you have any connections in that town that could fact check if Milan was indeed a town mayor?

https://imgur.com/a/jd9w4vt - Zivojin Micic's birth certificate. I have not seen a translated version.

Ван мреже HMicic

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Одг: Looking: Micić from Kučevo, Braničevo, Serbia
« Одговор #4 послато: Август 24, 2024, 09:22:55 пре подне »
У Службеном војном листу од 01.10. 1940. г., наводи се Мицић М. Живојин као  један од унапређених официра у чин потпоручника ( ваздухопловство ). Средње име одговара имену оца, Милан.

У Општинским новинама 08. 05. 1941.г., у једном од огласа где се траже војна лица, спомиње се Живојин Мицић, родом из Петровца, ваздухопловни поручник ( последњи пут био у Сарајеву, Рајловац ).

Име, презиме и професија одговарају, једино место порекла не. Можда треба размотрити да је Живојин ипак био из Петровца ( на Млави ), можда само рођен у Кучеву ( ако је отац по служби тамо боравио из неког разлога или је мајка родом из Кучева ). То је свега око 30 км удаљености.

Dear Brankova, thank you very much for your help. Where can I find those articles you've mentioned? This information is correct and it would make sense that Zivojin lived in Kučevo for birth only. Do you know of any places I can look for information on any Micić's in Petrovac?

https://imgur.com/a/jd9w4vt - Zivojin Micic's birth certificate. I have not seen a translated version and I am unsure if this will be any help to you?


Draga Brankova, hvala ti puno na pomoći. Gde mogu da nađem te članke koje ste spomenuli? Ovaj podatak je tačan i logično bi bilo da je Živojin živeo u Kučevu samo od rođenja. Da li znate gde mogu da potražim informacije o nekom Miciću u Petrovcu?

https://imgur.com/a/jd9v4vt - izvod iz matične knjige rođenih Živojina Mićića. Nisam video prevedenu verziju i nisam siguran da li će vam ovo pomoći?

На мрежи Ивица Јовановић

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  • Поруке: 1357
  • J-L70 > J-Z40772* mdDNA:HV-b15a
Одг: Looking: Micić from Kučevo, Braničevo, Serbia
« Одговор #5 послато: Август 24, 2024, 11:26:18 пре подне »
I cannot find any information confirming that he was a mayor, but he was indeed connected to the municipal administration because, according to your document, he was a scribe for the Zvižd county, and Kučevo is part of that county. Therefore, Živojin was born in Kučevo because his father was serving there at the time, which does not necessarily mean that Milan was originally from Kučevo. He was probably serving there. He could be from Petrovac na Mlavi, which is my hometown, so I will try to gather some information about Milan or Živojin through some friends. However, this will take about ten days as I am currently out of the country. I also asked a person who specializes in the military history of this region, and he is not familiar with that name. He told me that it's possible they lived in this part of Serbia but were not originally from here, as government officials from other parts of Yugoslavia were assigned to this area between the two World Wars. Your ancestor might have been one of those officials. I must repeat, that surname is not typical for this part of Serbia. My suggestion is that you or someone close to you take a DNA test. Based on the DNA test, you will see who your relatives are and where they live, which will help you narrow down and better define the area of your ancestor origin.
Милутин Бранковић, 4. ескадрон Коњичке дивизије. Крф 26.04.1916.
Сава Питић, 13. Пук. Острво Видo 24.01.1916.
Сима Мијуцић, 9. пешадијски пук. Браунау 1917.

Ван мреже ДушанПан

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  • Панић - Сирдија, Осечина I2-PH908
Одг: Looking: Micić from Kučevo, Braničevo, Serbia
« Одговор #6 послато: Август 24, 2024, 12:54:32 поподне »
Hello, this is my first post on the forum. Posting from Brisbane, Australia.

I am looking for information about my Grandfather's brother and father. I have a lot of information and documents from my Grandfather, Živojin Micić, born 3-8-20 in Kučevo, Braničevo, Serbia. I know he had an older brother Aleksandar who was killed, I believe in combat or shot. Živojin was born to Milan Micić and Natalija Jovanović.

My questions:
1. Where can I find more information on Aleksandar Micić (my great uncle) and his place/cause of death?
2. My Great Grandfather, Milan Micić was apparently the town mayor - I am unsure of which town (assuming Kučevo?)
3. Where can I find the marriage records and death records of Milan and Natalija?

My Grandfather passed away in 1991, and my Father in 2023, so I feel it is my duty now to track down the family history and piece together the snippits of stories and information that I have been given. Živojin came to Australia in 1950 as a displaced person following WWII. He was a pilot in the Royal Yugoslav Air Force.

Thank you for any help you can offer me. I find the provinces quite confusing and unsure where Kučevo's records fall. Please let me know if you need any further information.

Kind regards,
Hannah Micic

Hi Hannah, I am not from that region, but the first step is to find out the right parish (parohija). As I can see from the birth certificate, Kučevo was part of Neresnička parohija in 1920. If Milan was also born in Kučevo, you should try contacting Istorijski Arhiv Požarevac (Historical Archives of Požarevac) as it falls under its jurisdiction. Until 1945, the Church was in charge of vital records (birth, death, and marriage certificates), and they are kept in archives across Serbia.