Изгледа да су наши словенски корени много ближи Украини, него било којим другим словенским нацијам из данашњег времена. Чланак етничку разноврсност Chernyakhiv culture која је била на тој територији. Они исто описују културну повезаност раних Словена са Германским народима Wielbark Culture и овдашњим традицјама са територије данашње Пољске.
"Chernichov culture (Chernichovian-santana de mure asa culture) was created by barbaric tribes in the late Roman times in southeastern Europe. It was widely spread in most of the forest-steppe and steppe regions of Ukraine, Moldova, parts of Romania and some neighboring areas of the Russian Federation from the beginning of the 3rd to the half of the 5th century. n.e. (28).
Most researchers believe that the composition of this culture was political. It included the Eastern Germans, early Slavs, Ghetto-Daks, Sarmatians, as well as the late Scyts and Alans. It is also possible that some of the provincial Roman population and immigrants from the ancient centers of the northern Black Sea region were included in it (27, 202-205). Currently it is confirmed not only archeology, but also anthropological data (206, 207). According to most researchers, the leading role in this tribal alliance was played by the East German Goths and Gepidzi tribes (28, 208, 209).
Analysis of archaeological materials from sites in Chernichow shows that there are strong traditions of camelbaric culture and other Germanic cultures of Central Europe in the types of structures, funeral rites, molded ceramics, clothing details, decorations and everyday objects. The pottery style evolved as a result of the synthesis of the provincial Roman craft tradition and the Camelbaric tradition of clay pottery. Thanks to the strong influence of late ancient centers, the material culture of Cherniakh-Sântana de Mure . has reached a high level. The dominant ethnic group in the Cherniachow population were the bearers of the Velbarian tradition - Gotha. They left behind "classic" artifacts from Cherniachow, which can only be conditionally described as "Kosanow type" monuments.
Two local sites groups were linked to other ethnic groups. In the Upper Dniester region there was a western group of Slavs, represented by monuments of the "Czerepin type". On the steppes of the Black Sea were late Scyts and Sarmac-Alans, who created mixed communities with the Germans. This population has left behind monuments of the "Black Sea" type. Some posts in Chernihiv in eastern Ukraine have elements of neighboring Kiev culture (eastern Slavic group), while elements of Thracian-Carpian culture are found in Moldova and Muntenia, but they do not form independent types.
Upon the arrival of the Huns, the German and Scyto-Sarmac population left the Czarniachowska cultural area. Slavic tribes began to dominate the forest zone, which eventually gave birth to Prague and Pienkow culture".