Да ли би могао да се направи неки оквирни распоред по периодима, нпр. на мезолитско-европске, неолитско-блискоисточне и оне из времена ИЕ експанзије, или су толико уситњене да чак ни таква једна широка подела није могућа? Такође, знаш ли за неки сајт који би за мтДНК хаплогрупе био оно што је Yfull за Y-ДНК хаплогрупе? 
Изгледа да је "женски парњак" хаплогрупи I, хаплогрупа U:
In a genetic study published in PLOS Biology in January 2018, the remains of seven SHGs were examined. All three samples of Y-DNA extracted belonged to subclades of I2. With respects to mtDNA, four samples belonged to U5a1 haplotypes, while three samples belonged U4a2 haplotypes. All samples from western and northern Scandinavia carried U5a1 haplotypes, while all the samples from eastern Scandinavia except from one carried U4a2 haplotypes.
In a genetic study published in Nature Communications in January 2018, the remains of an SHG female at Motala, Sweden between 5750 BC and 5650 BC was analyzed. She was found to be carrying U5a2d and "substantial ANE ancestry".