Аутор Тема: R1b  (Прочитано 4293 пута)

Ван мреже Radul

  • Уредник СДНКП
  • Памтиша
  • *****
  • Поруке: 1814
  • J-Y230853 Башино Село, Цетиње > Кривошије
« послато: Јануар 15, 2020, 02:22:56 пре подне »
Почињемо са R1b-L51


1.   Adams, S. M., Bosch, E., Balaresque, P. L., Ballereau, S. J., Lee, A. C., Arroyo, E., ... & Carracedo, A. (2008). The genetic legacy of religious diversity and intolerance: paternal lineages of Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 83(6), 725-736.
2.   Badro DA, Douaihy B, Haber M, Youhanna SC, Salloum A, et al. (2013) Y-Chromosome and mtDNA Genetics Reveal Significant Contrasts in Affinities of Modern Middle Eastern Populations with European and African Populations. PLOS ONE 8(1): e54616. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0054616
3.   Battaglia, V., Fornarino, S., Al-Zahery, N., Olivieri, A., Pala, M., Myres, N. M., … Semino, O. (2009). Y-chromosomal evidence of the cultural diffusion of agriculture in Southeast Europe. European journal of human genetics : EJHG, 17(6), 820–830. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2008.249
4.   Bekada A, Fregel R, Cabrera VM, Larruga JM, Pestano J, et al. (2013) Introducing the Algerian Mitochondrial DNA and Y-Chromosome Profiles into the North African Landscape. PLOS ONE 8(2): e56775. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0056775
5.   El‐Sibai, M., Platt, D. E., Haber, M., Xue, Y., Youhanna, S. C., Wells, R. S., ... & Behbehani, J. (2009). Geographical Structure of the Y‐chromosomal Genetic Landscape of the Levant: A coastal‐inland contrast. Annals of human genetics, 73(6), 568-581.
6.   Francalacci, P., & Sanna, D. (2008). History and geography of human Y-chromosome in Europe: a SNP perspective. Journal of anthropological sciences= Rivista di antropologia: JASS, 86, 59-89.
7.   Karlsson, A. O., Wallerström, T., Götherström, A., & Holmlund, G. (2006). Y-chromosome diversity in Sweden–a long-time perspective. European Journal of Human Genetics, 14(8,), 963.
8.   Kayser, M., Lao, O., Anslinger, K., Augustin, C., Bargel, G., Edelmann, J., ... & Hohoff, C. (2005). Significant genetic differentiation between Poland and Germany follows present-day political borders, as revealed by Y-chromosome analysis. Human genetics, 117(5), 428-443.
9.   Niederstätter, H., Berger, B., Kayser, M., & Parson, W. (2016). Differences in urbanization degree and consequences on the diversity of conventional vs. rapidly mutating Y-STRs in five municipalities from a small region of the Tyrolean Alps in Austria. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 24, 180-193.
10.   Passarino, G., Cavalleri, G. L., Lin, A. A., Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., Børresen-Dale, A. L., & Underhill, P. A. (2002). Different genetic components in the Norwegian population revealed by the analysis of mtDNA and Y chromosome polymorphisms. European Journal of Human Genetics, 10(9), 521.
11.   Ramos-Luis, E., Blanco-Verea, A., Brion, M., Van Huffel, V., Sanchez-Diz, P., & Carracedo, A. (2014). Y-chromosomal DNA analysis in French male lineages. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 9, 162-168.
12.   Rosser, Z. H., Zerjal, T., Hurles, M. E., Adojaan, M., Alavantic, D., Amorim, A., … Jobling, M. A. (2000). Y-chromosomal diversity in Europe is clinal and influenced primarily by geography, rather than by language. American journal of human genetics, 67(6), 1526–1543. doi:10.1086/316890
13.   Saiz, M., Alvarez-Cubero, M. J., Lorente, J. A., Alvarez, J. C., & Martinez-Gonzalez, L. J. (2019). Genetic structure in the paternal lineages of South East Spain revealed by the analysis of 17 Y-STRs. Scientific reports, 9(1), 5234.
14.   Sanchez, J. J., Børsting, C., Hernandez, A., Mengel-Jørgensen, J., & Morling, N. (2004, April). Y chromosome SNP haplogroups in Danes, Greenlanders and Somalis. In International Congress Series (Vol. 1261, pp. 347-349). Elsevier.
15.   YHRD, Basque Country, Spain, 104 matches in 104 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: Basque Country, Spain [Basque], Basque Country, Spain [Spanish]
16.   YHRD, Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany 40 matches in 136 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany [German]
17.   YHRD, Cantabria, Spain, 57 matches in 57 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: Cantabria, Spain [Spanish]
18.   YHRD, Limburg, Belgium, 89 matches in 149 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: Limburg, Belgium [Belgian]
19.   YHRD, Netherlands, 1226 matches in 2114 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: Netherlands [Dutch]
20.   YHRD, Slovakia, 29 matches in 192 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: Slovakia [Romani], Slovakia [Slovakian]
21.   YHRD, United Kingdom, 279 matches in 405 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: United Kingdom [British]
22.   YHRD, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium, 114 matches in 187 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium [Belgian]
23.   YHRD, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium, 157 matches in 241 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: West-Vlaanderen, Belgium [Belgian]
24.   Grugni, V., Raveane, A., Mattioli, F., Battaglia, V., Sala, C., Toniolo, D., ... & Torroni, A. (2018). Reconstructing the genetic history of Italians: new insights from a male (Y-chromosome) perspective. Annals of human biology, 45(1), 44-56.

« Последња измена: Јануар 18, 2020, 09:24:00 пре подне НиколаВук »
Ако се бојите, немојте то чинити; ако то радите, не бојте се! - Темуџин

Ван мреже Radul

  • Уредник СДНКП
  • Памтиша
  • *****
  • Поруке: 1814
  • J-Y230853 Башино Село, Цетиње > Кривошије
Одг: R1b
« Одговор #1 послато: Јануар 18, 2020, 01:03:56 пре подне »


1.   Халилова, И. С., Ибрагимов, А. Ш., & Алиев, А. А. (2018). Оценка разнообразия Y-ДНК среди азербайджанцев. Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23: Антропология, (4), 49-55.
2.   Романчук А. А., Восточноевразийская гипотеза дене-кавказской прародины в свете данных геногеографии: попытка синтеза. In Культурные взаимодействия. Динамика и смыслы (pp. 577-597). Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа».
3.   Abu-Amero, K. K., Hellani, A., González, A. M., Larruga, J. M., Cabrera, V. M., & Underhill, P. A. (2009). Saudi Arabian Y-Chromosome diversity and its relationship with nearby regions. BMC genetics, 10(1), 59.
4.   Al-Zahery, N., Semino, O., Benuzzi, G., Magri, C., Passarino, G., Torroni, A., & Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. S. (2003). Y-chromosome and mtDNA polymorphisms in Iraq, a crossroad of the early human dispersal and of post-Neolithic migrations. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 28(3), 458-472.
5.   Balanovsky, O., Dibirova, K., Dybo, A., Mudrak, O., Frolova, S., Pocheshkhova, E., ... & Kuznetsova, M. (2011). Parallel evolution of genes and languages in the Caucasus region. Molecular biology and evolution, 28(10), 2905-2920.
6.   Battaglia, V., Fornarino, S., Al-Zahery, N., Olivieri, A., Pala, M., Myres, N. M., ... & Hadziselimovic, R. (2009). Y-chromosomal evidence of the cultural diffusion of agriculture in Southeast Europe. European Journal of Human Genetics, 17(6), 820.
7.   Boattini, A., Martinez-Cruz, B., Sarno, S., Harmant, C., Useli, A., Sanz, P., ... & Quintana-Murci, L. (2013). Uniparental markers in Italy reveal a sex-biased genetic structure and different historical strata. PloS one, 8(5), e65441.
8.   Cinnioğlu, C., King, R., Kivisild, T., Kalfoğlu, E., Atasoy, S., Cavalleri, G. L., ... & Oefner, P. J. (2004). Excavating Y-chromosome haplotype strata in Anatolia. Human genetics, 114(2), 127-148.
9.   Dogan, S., Babic, N., Gurkan, C., Goksu, A., Marjanovic, D., & Hadziavdic, V. (2016). Y-chromosomal haplogroup distribution in the Tuzla Canton of Bosnia and Herzegovina: A concordance study using four different in silico assignment algorithms based on Y-STR data. Homo, 67(6), 471-483.
10.   Francalacci, P., Morelli, L., Angius, A., Berutti, R., Reinier, F., Atzeni, R., ... & Sanna, D. (2013). Low-pass DNA sequencing of 1200 Sardinians reconstructs European Y-chromosome phylogeny. Science, 341(6145), 565-569.
11.   Grugni, V., Raveane, A., Mattioli, F., Battaglia, V., Sala, C., Toniolo, D., ... & Torroni, A. (2018). Reconstructing the genetic history of Italians: new insights from a male (Y-chromosome) perspective. Annals of human biology, 45(1), 44-56.
12.   Karachanak, S., Grugni, V., Fornarino, S., Nesheva, D., Al-Zahery, N., Battaglia, V., ... & Toncheva, D. (2013). Y-chromosome diversity in modern Bulgarians: new clues about their ancestry. PLoS One, 8(3), e56779.
13.   Martinez-Cruz, B., Ioana, M., Calafell, F., Arauna, L. R., Sanz, P., Ionescu, R., ... & Plantinga, T. (2012). Y-chromosome analysis in individuals bearing the Basarab name of the first dynasty of Wallachian kings. PLoS One, 7(7), e41803.
14.   Myres, N. M., Rootsi, S., Lin, A. A., Järve, M., King, R. J., Kutuev, I., ... & Balanovsky, O. (2011). A major Y-chromosome haplogroup R1b Holocene era founder effect in Central and Western Europe. European Journal of Human Genetics, 19(1), 95.
15.   Passarino, G., Cavalleri, G. L., Lin, A. A., Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., Børresen-Dale, A. L., & Underhill, P. A. (2002). Different genetic components in the Norwegian population revealed by the analysis of mtDNA and Y chromosome polymorphisms. European Journal of Human Genetics, 10(9), 521.
16.   Ramos-Luis, E., Blanco-Verea, A., Brion, M., Van Huffel, V., Sanchez-Diz, P., & Carracedo, A. (2014). Y-chromosomal DNA analysis in French male lineages. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 9, 162-168.
17.   Varzari, A. (2006). Population History of the Dniester-Carpathians: evidence from Alu insertion and Y-chromosome polymorphisms (Doctoral dissertation, lmu).
« Последња измена: Јануар 18, 2020, 01:14:23 пре подне Radul »
Ако се бојите, немојте то чинити; ако то радите, не бојте се! - Темуџин

Ван мреже Мића

  • Члан Друштва
  • Познавалац
  • *****
  • Поруке: 540
  • R1b-PF7562
Одг: R1b
« Одговор #2 послато: Јануар 18, 2020, 10:25:52 пре подне »


1.   Халилова, И. С., Ибрагимов, А. Ш., & Алиев, А. А. (2018). Оценка разнообразия Y-ДНК среди азербайджанцев. Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23: Антропология, (4), 49-55.
2.   Романчук А. А., Восточноевразийская гипотеза дене-кавказской прародины в свете данных геногеографии: попытка синтеза. In Культурные взаимодействия. Динамика и смыслы (pp. 577-597). Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа».
3.   Abu-Amero, K. K., Hellani, A., González, A. M., Larruga, J. M., Cabrera, V. M., & Underhill, P. A. (2009). Saudi Arabian Y-Chromosome diversity and its relationship with nearby regions. BMC genetics, 10(1), 59.
4.   Al-Zahery, N., Semino, O., Benuzzi, G., Magri, C., Passarino, G., Torroni, A., & Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. S. (2003). Y-chromosome and mtDNA polymorphisms in Iraq, a crossroad of the early human dispersal and of post-Neolithic migrations. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 28(3), 458-472.
5.   Balanovsky, O., Dibirova, K., Dybo, A., Mudrak, O., Frolova, S., Pocheshkhova, E., ... & Kuznetsova, M. (2011). Parallel evolution of genes and languages in the Caucasus region. Molecular biology and evolution, 28(10), 2905-2920.
6.   Battaglia, V., Fornarino, S., Al-Zahery, N., Olivieri, A., Pala, M., Myres, N. M., ... & Hadziselimovic, R. (2009). Y-chromosomal evidence of the cultural diffusion of agriculture in Southeast Europe. European Journal of Human Genetics, 17(6), 820.
7.   Boattini, A., Martinez-Cruz, B., Sarno, S., Harmant, C., Useli, A., Sanz, P., ... & Quintana-Murci, L. (2013). Uniparental markers in Italy reveal a sex-biased genetic structure and different historical strata. PloS one, 8(5), e65441.
8.   Cinnioğlu, C., King, R., Kivisild, T., Kalfoğlu, E., Atasoy, S., Cavalleri, G. L., ... & Oefner, P. J. (2004). Excavating Y-chromosome haplotype strata in Anatolia. Human genetics, 114(2), 127-148.
9.   Dogan, S., Babic, N., Gurkan, C., Goksu, A., Marjanovic, D., & Hadziavdic, V. (2016). Y-chromosomal haplogroup distribution in the Tuzla Canton of Bosnia and Herzegovina: A concordance study using four different in silico assignment algorithms based on Y-STR data. Homo, 67(6), 471-483.
10.   Francalacci, P., Morelli, L., Angius, A., Berutti, R., Reinier, F., Atzeni, R., ... & Sanna, D. (2013). Low-pass DNA sequencing of 1200 Sardinians reconstructs European Y-chromosome phylogeny. Science, 341(6145), 565-569.
11.   Grugni, V., Raveane, A., Mattioli, F., Battaglia, V., Sala, C., Toniolo, D., ... & Torroni, A. (2018). Reconstructing the genetic history of Italians: new insights from a male (Y-chromosome) perspective. Annals of human biology, 45(1), 44-56.
12.   Karachanak, S., Grugni, V., Fornarino, S., Nesheva, D., Al-Zahery, N., Battaglia, V., ... & Toncheva, D. (2013). Y-chromosome diversity in modern Bulgarians: new clues about their ancestry. PLoS One, 8(3), e56779.
13.   Martinez-Cruz, B., Ioana, M., Calafell, F., Arauna, L. R., Sanz, P., Ionescu, R., ... & Plantinga, T. (2012). Y-chromosome analysis in individuals bearing the Basarab name of the first dynasty of Wallachian kings. PLoS One, 7(7), e41803.
14.   Myres, N. M., Rootsi, S., Lin, A. A., Järve, M., King, R. J., Kutuev, I., ... & Balanovsky, O. (2011). A major Y-chromosome haplogroup R1b Holocene era founder effect in Central and Western Europe. European Journal of Human Genetics, 19(1), 95.
15.   Passarino, G., Cavalleri, G. L., Lin, A. A., Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., Børresen-Dale, A. L., & Underhill, P. A. (2002). Different genetic components in the Norwegian population revealed by the analysis of mtDNA and Y chromosome polymorphisms. European Journal of Human Genetics, 10(9), 521.
16.   Ramos-Luis, E., Blanco-Verea, A., Brion, M., Van Huffel, V., Sanchez-Diz, P., & Carracedo, A. (2014). Y-chromosomal DNA analysis in French male lineages. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 9, 162-168.
17.   Varzari, A. (2006). Population History of the Dniester-Carpathians: evidence from Alu insertion and Y-chromosome polymorphisms (Doctoral dissertation, lmu).
Карте су одличне! Свака част, Радуле :)

Имаш ли у плану и карту за грану PF7562?
"Превише интересовања, премало времена" И. Анђелковић

Ван мреже Radul

  • Уредник СДНКП
  • Памтиша
  • *****
  • Поруке: 1814
  • J-Y230853 Башино Село, Цетиње > Кривошије
Одг: R1b
« Одговор #3 послато: Јануар 20, 2020, 12:25:46 пре подне »
Карте су одличне! Свака част, Радуле :)

Имаш ли у плану и карту за грану PF7562?

Хвала. Видјећемо, можда нешто покушам када завршим започете карте.
« Последња измена: Јануар 20, 2020, 12:35:23 пре подне Radul »
Ако се бојите, немојте то чинити; ако то радите, не бојте се! - Темуџин

Ван мреже CosicZ

  • Члан Друштва
  • Истраживач
  • *****
  • Поруке: 964
  • Ђурђевдан Y:I1>P109>FGC22045 Панчево
Одг: R1b
« Одговор #4 послато: Јануар 16, 2023, 11:21:12 поподне »
Резултати са YHRD ( издање R68) за минималне хаплотипе 14 13 29 24 11 13 12 11,11 и 14 13 29 24 11 13 13 11,11 по земљама.
https://yhrd.org/search/search  Dataset: Minimal  Kit: Minimal

N - број тестираних у бази
n12 - број тестираних са минималним хаплотипом 14 13 29 24 11 13 12 11,11
n13 - број тестираних са минималним хаплотипом 14 13 29 24 11 13 13 11,11

National Database   N   n12   n12/N   n13   n13/N   n12/(n12+n13)
Albania   494   1   0.202%   28   5.668%   3.448%
Argentina   7892   0   0.000%   16   0.203%   0.000%
Australia   2257   0   0.000%   3   0.133%   0.000%
Austria   1877   0   0.000%   2   0.107%   0.000%
Azerbaijan   344   1   0.291%   0   0.000%   100.000%
Bahamas   427   0   0.000%   1   0.234%   0.000%
Bahrain   716   2   0.279%   0   0.000%   100.000%
Belgium   1628   0   0.000%   1   0.061%   0.000%
Bosnia and Herzegovina   990   2   0.202%   3   0.303%   40.000%
Brazil   11889   1   0.008%   20   0.168%   4.762%
Bulgaria   590   0   0.000%   1   0.169%   0.000%
China   134438   1   0.001%   1   0.001%   50.000%
Colombia   3453   0   0.000%   2   0.058%   0.000%
Croatia   1996   1   0.050%   7   0.351%   12.500%
Czech Republic   2340   1   0.043%   2   0.085%   33.333%
Ecuador   1692   0   0.000%   3   0.177%   0.000%
France   890   1   0.112%   3   0.337%   25.000%
Georgia   89   1   1.124%   0   0.000%   100.000%
Germany   9497   0   0.000%   10   0.105%   0.000%
Greece   1038   0   0.000%   13   1.252%   0.000%
Hungary   1742   0   0.000%   2   0.115%   0.000%
Iran   2565   5   0.195%   0   0.000%   100.000%
Ireland   1063   0   0.000%   1   0.094%   0.000%
Italy   5638   0   0.000%   10   0.177%   0.000%
Kosovo   400   0   0.000%   11   2.750%   0.000%
Mexico   4155   0   0.000%   7   0.168%   0.000%
Micronesia   19   0   0.000%   1   5.263%   0.000%
Netherlands   2345   0   0.000%   4   0.171%   0.000%
North Macedonia   825   3   0.364%   30   3.636%   9.091%
Paraguay   537   0   0.000%   1   0.186%   0.000%
Philippines   1287   1   0.078%   1   0.078%   50.000%
Poland   8247   0   0.000%   2   0.024%   0.000%
Portugal   1884   0   0.000%   1   0.053%   0.000%
Romania   1042   0   0.000%   1   0.096%   0.000%
Russian Federation   4645   1   0.022%   2   0.043%   33.333%
Serbia   1218   0   0.000%   3   0.246%   0.000%
Slovakia   1249   0   0.000%   1   0.080%   0.000%
Slovenia   458   0   0.000%   1   0.218%   0.000%
South Africa   1572   0   0.000%   1   0.064%   0.000%
Spain   8521   1   0.012%   11   0.129%   8.333%
Sweden   740   0   0.000%   3   0.405%   0.000%
Switzerland   1698   0   0.000%   5   0.294%   0.000%
Turkey   2185   1   0.046%   0   0.000%   100.000%
United Kingdom   5048   1   0.020%   7   0.139%   12.500%
United States   40854   5   0.012%   47   0.115%   9.615%
total   350500   30   0.009%   269   0.077%   10.033%



Ови минимални хаплотипи су карактеристични за R1b-Z2705, али се јављају и у другим подгрупама R1b, па и у другим хаплогрупама, тако да ове карте приказују земље у којима би се R1b-Z2705 могла налазити, а не земље у којима се налази.