Почињемо са R1b-L51
Литература:1. Adams, S. M., Bosch, E., Balaresque, P. L., Ballereau, S. J., Lee, A. C., Arroyo, E., ... & Carracedo, A. (2008). The genetic legacy of religious diversity and intolerance: paternal lineages of Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 83(6), 725-736.
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4. Bekada A, Fregel R, Cabrera VM, Larruga JM, Pestano J, et al. (2013) Introducing the Algerian Mitochondrial DNA and Y-Chromosome Profiles into the North African Landscape. PLOS ONE 8(2): e56775.
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6. Francalacci, P., & Sanna, D. (2008). History and geography of human Y-chromosome in Europe: a SNP perspective. Journal of anthropological sciences= Rivista di antropologia: JASS, 86, 59-89.
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9. Niederstätter, H., Berger, B., Kayser, M., & Parson, W. (2016). Differences in urbanization degree and consequences on the diversity of conventional vs. rapidly mutating Y-STRs in five municipalities from a small region of the Tyrolean Alps in Austria. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 24, 180-193.
10. Passarino, G., Cavalleri, G. L., Lin, A. A., Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., Børresen-Dale, A. L., & Underhill, P. A. (2002). Different genetic components in the Norwegian population revealed by the analysis of mtDNA and Y chromosome polymorphisms. European Journal of Human Genetics, 10(9), 521.
11. Ramos-Luis, E., Blanco-Verea, A., Brion, M., Van Huffel, V., Sanchez-Diz, P., & Carracedo, A. (2014). Y-chromosomal DNA analysis in French male lineages. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 9, 162-168.
12. Rosser, Z. H., Zerjal, T., Hurles, M. E., Adojaan, M., Alavantic, D., Amorim, A., … Jobling, M. A. (2000). Y-chromosomal diversity in Europe is clinal and influenced primarily by geography, rather than by language. American journal of human genetics, 67(6), 1526–1543. doi:10.1086/316890
13. Saiz, M., Alvarez-Cubero, M. J., Lorente, J. A., Alvarez, J. C., & Martinez-Gonzalez, L. J. (2019). Genetic structure in the paternal lineages of South East Spain revealed by the analysis of 17 Y-STRs. Scientific reports, 9(1), 5234.
14. Sanchez, J. J., Børsting, C., Hernandez, A., Mengel-Jørgensen, J., & Morling, N. (2004, April). Y chromosome SNP haplogroups in Danes, Greenlanders and Somalis. In International Congress Series (Vol. 1261, pp. 347-349). Elsevier.
15. YHRD, Basque Country, Spain, 104 matches in 104 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: Basque Country, Spain [Basque], Basque Country, Spain [Spanish]
16. YHRD, Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany 40 matches in 136 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany [German]
17. YHRD, Cantabria, Spain, 57 matches in 57 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: Cantabria, Spain [Spanish]
18. YHRD, Limburg, Belgium, 89 matches in 149 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: Limburg, Belgium [Belgian]
19. YHRD, Netherlands, 1226 matches in 2114 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: Netherlands [Dutch]
20. YHRD, Slovakia, 29 matches in 192 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: Slovakia [Romani], Slovakia [Slovakian]
21. YHRD, United Kingdom, 279 matches in 405 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: United Kingdom [British]
22. YHRD, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium, 114 matches in 187 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium [Belgian]
23. YHRD, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium, 157 matches in 241 haplotypes with Y-SNP information. Population samples: West-Vlaanderen, Belgium [Belgian]
24. Grugni, V., Raveane, A., Mattioli, F., Battaglia, V., Sala, C., Toniolo, D., ... & Torroni, A. (2018). Reconstructing the genetic history of Italians: new insights from a male (Y-chromosome) perspective. Annals of human biology, 45(1), 44-56.