Аутор Тема: мт-ДНК U4  (Прочитано 14862 пута)

Ван мреже Муњени Ћелић

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мт-ДНК U4
« послато: Октобар 17, 2013, 04:56:02 поподне »

Цит.: ''The lower incidence of U4 in countries with relatively high percentages of R1a like Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria can be explained by the fact that a lot of this R1a is of non-Slavic origin, and was brought mostly by Central Asian invaders like the Huns, the Alans, the Eurasian Avars, the Magyars, the Khazars and the Bulgars. In the Balkans and Carpathians, only the Serbs have an elevated frequency of U4, which is concordant with the fact that they are more Slavic than all of their neighbours (the Croats, Bosnians and Bulgarians being Slavicised people rather than true ethnic Slavs). ''

« Последња измена: Јануар 02, 2015, 10:50:54 пре подне админ »

Ван мреже Небојша

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Одг: мт-ДНК U4
« Одговор #1 послато: Октобар 17, 2013, 06:25:59 поподне »
Словенске земље:

Поклапа се. :)


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Одг: мт-ДНК U4
« Одговор #2 послато: Октобар 19, 2013, 02:54:46 поподне »
Мислим да је мтДНК много запостављена и да је у сенци Y-дна, сигурно би се пажљивим проучавањем мтДНК дошло до значајних открића у ГГ


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Одг: мт-ДНК U4
« Одговор #3 послато: Март 18, 2015, 01:31:36 поподне »
Како генетика (мтДНК) показује да сви воде порекло од једне жене:


Ван мреже Kyrios

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Одг: мт-ДНК U4
« Одговор #4 послато: Април 12, 2015, 01:43:56 поподне »
Ево једног новог рада о српској mtDNA.

Slobodan Davidovic, Boris Malyarchuk, Jelena M. Aleksic, Miroslava Derenko, Vladanka Topalovic, Andrey Litvinov, Milena Stevanovic, Natasa Kovacevic-Grujicic,
Mitochondrial DNA perspective of Serbian genetic diversity,
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 156 (3) (2015), 449–465.

Although south-Slavic populations have been studied to date from various aspects, the population of Serbia, occupying the central part of the Balkan Peninsula, is still genetically understudied at least at the level of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation. We analyzed polymorphisms of the first and the second mtDNA hypervariable segments (HVS-I and HVS-II) and informative coding-region markers in 139 Serbians to shed more light on their mtDNA variability, and used available data on other Slavic and neighboring non-Slavic populations to assess their interrelations in a broader European context. The contemporary Serbian mtDNA profile is consistent with the general European maternal landscape having a substantial proportion of shared haplotypes with eastern, central, and southern European populations. Serbian population was characterized as an important link between easternmost and westernmost south-Slavic populations due to the observed lack of genetic differentiation with all other south-Slavic populations and its geographical positioning within the Balkan Peninsula. An increased heterogeneity of south Slavs, most likely mirroring turbulent demographic events within the Balkan Peninsula over time (i.e., frequent admixture and differential introgression of various gene pools), and a marked geographical stratification of Slavs to south-, east-, and west-Slavic groups, were also found. A phylogeographic analyses of 20 completely sequenced Serbian mitochondrial genomes revealed not only the presence of mtDNA lineages predominantly found within the Slavic gene pool (U4a2a*, U4a2a1, U4a2c, U4a2g, HV10), supporting a common Slavic origin, but also lineages that may have originated within the southern Europe (H5*, H5e1, H5a1v) and the Balkan Peninsula in particular (H6a2b and L2a1k)."

PDF фајл рада је превелик да бих га прикачио, ако неко жели могу да му пошаљем електронском поштом. Занимљив је и пратећи фајл са филогенетским стаблима неких карактеристичних mtDNA хаплогрупа, али и он је превелик. Прикачујем пратеће фајлове са табелом хаплотипова и табелом фреквенција.

Синиша Јерковић

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Одг: мт-ДНК U4
« Одговор #5 послато: Април 12, 2015, 09:32:28 поподне »
Ево једног новог рада о српској mtDNA.

Slobodan Davidovic, Boris Malyarchuk, Jelena M. Aleksic, Miroslava Derenko, Vladanka Topalovic, Andrey Litvinov, Milena Stevanovic, Natasa Kovacevic-Grujicic,
Mitochondrial DNA perspective of Serbian genetic diversity,
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 156 (3) (2015), 449–465.

Although south-Slavic populations have been studied to date from various aspects, the population of Serbia, occupying the central part of the Balkan Peninsula, is still genetically understudied at least at the level of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation. We analyzed polymorphisms of the first and the second mtDNA hypervariable segments (HVS-I and HVS-II) and informative coding-region markers in 139 Serbians to shed more light on their mtDNA variability, and used available data on other Slavic and neighboring non-Slavic populations to assess their interrelations in a broader European context. The contemporary Serbian mtDNA profile is consistent with the general European maternal landscape having a substantial proportion of shared haplotypes with eastern, central, and southern European populations. Serbian population was characterized as an important link between easternmost and westernmost south-Slavic populations due to the observed lack of genetic differentiation with all other south-Slavic populations and its geographical positioning within the Balkan Peninsula. An increased heterogeneity of south Slavs, most likely mirroring turbulent demographic events within the Balkan Peninsula over time (i.e., frequent admixture and differential introgression of various gene pools), and a marked geographical stratification of Slavs to south-, east-, and west-Slavic groups, were also found. A phylogeographic analyses of 20 completely sequenced Serbian mitochondrial genomes revealed not only the presence of mtDNA lineages predominantly found within the Slavic gene pool (U4a2a*, U4a2a1, U4a2c, U4a2g, HV10), supporting a common Slavic origin, but also lineages that may have originated within the southern Europe (H5*, H5e1, H5a1v) and the Balkan Peninsula in particular (H6a2b and L2a1k)."

PDF фајл рада је превелик да бих га прикачио, ако неко жели могу да му пошаљем електронском поштом. Занимљив је и пратећи фајл са филогенетским стаблима неких карактеристичних mtDNA хаплогрупа, али и он је превелик. Прикачујем пратеће фајлове са табелом хаплотипова и табелом фреквенција.

Кириос, хвала на информацијама. Нажалост, не владам баш најбоље са МТДНК. Мислим да је Александар М. ушао највише у тај дио приче. Из овога што читам, изгледа да није било неких већих изненађења што се тиче српског мтднк.