There is no more sturdy stock in Europe than the Slav of Montenegro, none more ready to turn from gun to wood axe, from blood-revenge to citizenship.
Славени из Црне Горе.

Sometimes crude, often very rough human material. To mould him is the problem, a problem too, not so difficult as many think.
Балкански Славен.
Project Gutenberg's On the Trail of The Immigrant, by Edward A. Steinerhttp://www.gutenberg.org/files/40887/40887-h/40887-h.htmОви ''Славени из Црне Горе'' више личе на неког са Кавказа, да не кажем неког Кара-Дага (Црна Гора). Други ми личи на Козака. Ваше мишљење?