ДНК порекло > Aрхеологија и археогенетика

Древни геноми из Јужне и Централне Азије

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Црна Гуја:
The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia


--- Цитат ---By sequencing 523 ancient humans, we show that the primary source of ancestry in modern South Asians is a prehistoric genetic gradient between people related to early hunter-gatherers of Iran and Southeast Asia. After the Indus Valley Civilization’s decline, its people mixed with individuals in the southeast to form one of the two main ancestral populations of South Asia, whose direct descendants live in southern India. Simultaneously, they mixed with descendants of Steppe pastoralists who, starting around 4000 years ago, spread via Central Asia to form the other main ancestral population. The Steppe ancestry in South Asia has the same profile as that in Bronze Age Eastern Europe, tracking a movement of people that affected both regions and that likely spread the distinctive features shared between Indo-Iranian and Balto-Slavic languages.
--- Крај цитата ---

Додатни материјал:


Црна Гуја:
Лепа вест за наше N2:

I11735; 2462-2299 BC; Mereke; Kazakhstan; Central_Steppe_EMBA; N2-Y6503>pre-P189.2 (17 derived, 3 ancestral)

I11737; 2195-2032 BC; Mereke; Kazakhstan; Central_Steppe_EMBA; N2-Y6503>pre-P189.2 (15 derived, 4 ancestral)


--- Цитат: Црна Гуја  Септембар 07, 2019, 12:14:41 пре подне ---Лепа вест за наше N2:

I11735; 2462-2299 BC; Mereke; Kazakhstan; Central_Steppe_EMBA; N2-Y6503>pre-P189.2 (17 derived, 3 ancestral)

I11737; 2195-2032 BC; Mereke; Kazakhstan; Central_Steppe_EMBA; N2-Y6503>pre-P189.2 (15 derived, 4 ancestral)

--- Крај цитата ---

Гуја свака част на овим вестима.

Опис локалитета на коме су нађени ови N2 археогенетски узорци:

Mereke is а mound burial located in the Taskala district (Zapadno-Kazahstanskaya Oblast, Kazakshtan). Within Kurgan 1 there are 17 burials in all, most dating to the Bronze Age. The mound itself measures 1.75m high with a diameter of 34m. More intact burials in Kurgan 1 contained skeletons positioned on their left side in a flexed position, head to the north and facing eastward. A notable feature of the kurgan was a ritually interred horse head placed at the southeastern sector of the mound. On the basis of the material inventory from burials 14 and 17, and details of the cemetery as a whole, the authors attribute Mereke 1 to the “Poltavka culture”. Given the practice of large mound burials, sometimes as large as 300 cubic meters and the material assessment of the traits and artifacts recovered, Mereke 1 was dated stylistically to the second half of the 3rd millennium BCE.

 Kurgan 1, burial 2 (I11735): Date of 2462-2299 calBCE (3885±20 BP, PSUAMS-4901).
Genetically male.
• Kurgan 1, burial 10 (I11737): Date of 2195-2032 calBCE (3710±20 BP, PSUAMS-4902).
Genetically male.

Такође је нађен један старији женски скелет (3307-2928 calBCE) који је припадао првобитној сахрани у оквиру тумула Јамна културе, у кога су накнадно укопана двојица припадника N2 хаплогрупе који су припадали Полтавка култури. У "Енциклопедији индоевропске културе" ово стоји за Полтавку:

The Poltavka culture is the early to middle Bronze Age culture (c 2700—2100 BC) of the Volga—Ural steppe and forest-steppe. Culturally, it continues the earlier steppe traditions of the Yamna culture and precedes that of the Srubna or Timber-grave culture; in some archaeological systems it has been regarded as the early phase of the Srubna culture. it is roughly contemporary with the Catacomb culture of the Dnieper—Don region. The Poltavka culture distinguishes itself from its Yamna predecessor through its ceramics (now flat-bottomed rather than pointed or rounded-based) and the marked increase in metallurgy, particularly that drawn from local metallurgical centers in the southern Urals. ln addition to local sources, there is evidence of north Caucasian influences seen in gold and silver rings and bronze axes which ultimately mirror forms from the area of the Maykop culture. The rise of metallurgy is evident in the more conspicuous display of ornaments and weapons in Poltavka burials which is seen to signal increasing social stratification. Settlements are exceedingly rare and largely confined to scatters of Poltavka ceramics on sand dunes in the lower Volga region. The culture is known almost exclusively from its burials situated in cemeteries along river terraces. The deceased was interred on his or her (left) side or back, head oriented to the NE; in some instances the body was covered with ocher although not so frequently as in the earlier Yamna culture. Grave goods included pottery, metal objects (knives, axes, ornaments) and occasionally stone scepters. The burial pit might have a timber cover. The burials themselves were generally inserted into the kurgans (tumuli) of the earlier Yamna culture. The Poltavka culture not only marks the local development from the Yamna culture to the later Srubna culture but also partially underlies the development of the Potapovka culture of the middle Volga region. ln general, it is seen then as a culture ancestral to some of the earliest archaeological reflections of what are generally presumed to be early Indo-lranian cultures.

С обзиром на то да и BOT15, припадник касноенеолитске Ботај културе (3700-3100 BCE), има N2 хаплогрупу и подграну која је ближа P189.2 од оне друге гране којој припада Алтајац и IR1 из Панонске низије, рекао бих да је извориште P189.2 управо била Ботај култура, чији су се носиоци током бронзаног доба помешали са индоевропским таласом и потом учествовали у генези Прото-Индо-Иранаца.

Каква је ситуација са хаплогрупама харапанске цивилизације (Indus Valley Civilization, IVC) у овом раду? Колико сам видео, доминантне су J2a-Z6082 и H1-M82. Да ли више претеже J2a или H1 хаплогрупа?


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