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Са севера после Свебије с десна је прати Маркоманија, а одмах под њом пише Вандули, затим следе Квади под којима су Јутуги, а затим Бури за којима следе Сармати Вади (можда Ванда) није ми јасно читко, затим следе одмх изнад Мисије супериор SOLITUDINES SARMATORUM ( сарматксе пустиње - степе,) - мисли се на Панонске степе у данашњој Влашској. У њој су AMAXOBII SARMATAE - гр. ἄμαξα (кочија), and βίος (живот) - Сармати скитнице, номади. До њих су Лугионес Сармате, Венади Сармате са запада од Алпа Бастарнских - Карпата али више града Сарматегте који  науци познат као Sarmizegetusa. Између Карпата и Дунава су Пити, Гете, Даге, Венеди.

Од Тацита још ваља показати део где пише, да Балти, које назива Естима по германском обичају, имају исту религију као Свеби и да поштују мати богова, но да за разлику од лених Германа стрпљиво култивирају жито и скупљају јантар који сами не користе, но само продају. Веома значајан навод, јер су митологије Балта и Словена свакако веома сличне. Али што се тиче језика Тацит тврди, да је језик Балта сличан Британском, што је бессмислица.

 The states of the Suiones (Свеји - Швеђани) that follow along the shore of Ocean are strong not only in arms and men but also in their fleets. The shape of their ships differs from the normal in having a prow at both ends, which is always ready to be put in to shore. They do not rig sails or fasten their oars in banks at the sides. Their oarage is loose, as one finds it on some rivers, and can be shifted, as need requires, from side to side. Wealth, too, is held in high honour, and that is why they obey one ruler, with no restrictions on his authority and with no mere casual claim to obedience. Arms are not, as in the rest of Germany, allowed to all and sundry, but are kept under custody, and the custodian is a slave. There are two reasons for this: the ocean makes any sudden invasion impossible, and men with arms in their hands easily get into mischief, if not fighting. As for putting no noble or freeman, or even freedman, in charge of the arms — that is part of royal policy.

45. Passing the Suiones, we find yet another sea that is sluggish and almost stagnant. The reason why this sea is believed to be the boundary that girds the earth is because the last radiance of the setting sun lasts here till dawn, with a brilliance that dims the stars. Rumour adds that you can hear the sound he makes as he leaves the waves and can see the shape of his horses and the rays on his head. At this point our real knowledge of the world ends. However, turning to the right shore of the Suebian sea, we find it washing the territories of the Aestii, who have the religion and general customs of the Suebi, but a language approximating to the British. They worship the Mother of the gods. They wear, as emblem of this cult, the masks of boars, which stand them in stead of armour or human protection and ensure the safety of the worshipper even among his enemies. They seldom use weapons of iron, but cudgels often. They cultivate grain and other crops with a patience quite unusual among lazy Germans. Nor do they omit to ransack the sea; they are the only people to collect the amber — glaesum is their own word for it — in the shallows or even on the beach. Like true barbarians, they have never asked or discovered what it is or how it is produced. For a long time, indeed, it lay unheeded like any other jetsam, until Roman luxury made its reputation. They have no use for it themselves. They gather it crude, pass it on unworked and are astounded at the price it fetches. Amber, however, is certainly a gum of trees, as you may see from the fact that creeping and even winged creatures are often seen shining in it. They got caught in the sticky liquid, and were imprisoned as it hardened. I imagine that in the islands and lands of the West, just as in the secret chambers of the East, where the trees sweat frankincense and balm, there must be woods and groves of unusual fertility. Their gums, drawn out by the rays of their near neighbour, the sun, flow in liquid state into the sea and are finally washed by violent storms on to the shores opposite. If you care to test the properties of amber by applying fire to it, you will find that it lights like a torch and gives off a thick and heavily scented flame; it then cools into a sticky solid like pitch or resin.

Here Suebia ends. I cannot make up my mind whether to assign the tribes of the Peucini, Venedi and Fenni to Germany or Sarmatia. The Peucini, however, who are sometimes called the Bastarnae, in language, social habits, mode of settlement and dwelling are like Germans. They are a squalid and slovenly people; the features of their nobles get something of the Sarmatian ugliness from intermarriage.

The Venedi have borrowed largely from Sarmatian ways; their plundering forays take them over all that wooded and mountainous country that rises between the Peucini and the Fenni. Nevertheless they are to be classed as Germans, for they have settled houses, carry shields, and are fond of travelling — and travelling fast — on foot, in all these respects differing from the Sarmatians, who live in wagons or on horseback.

The Fenni are astonishingly wild and horribly poor. They have no arms, no horses, no homes. They eat grass, dress in skins, and sleep on the ground. Their only hope is in their arrows, which, for lack of iron, they tip with bone. The same hunt provides food for men and women alike; for the women go everywhere with the men and claim a share in securing the prey. The only way they can protect their babies against wild beasts or foul weather is to hide them under a makeshift network of branches. This is the hovel to which the young men come back, this is where the old must lie. Yet they count their lot happier than that of others who groan over field labour, sweat over house-building, or hazard their own or other men's fortunes in the wild lottery of hope and fear. They care for nobody, man or god, and have gained the ultimate release: they have nothing to pray for. What comes after them is the stuff of fables — Hellusii and Oxiones with the faces and features of men, but the bodies and limbs of animals. On such unverifiable stories I will express no opinion.

Веома значајан податак, да Венеди заузимају само шумовиту земљу и помало брдисту, да граде домове, носе штитове и да воле путовати. Ово објашњава зашто су источна степска Панонија, степска Влахија и степска Сарматија остали праздни од Словена. И што се тиче Балкана, Словени ће радо населити земљу богату шумом. С друге стране за Сармата коњаника и скитницу, који су ваљда и у оно време имали азијатске туркијске црте лица и скитничски начин живота, нема смисла насељавати у горске и обрасле шумом пределе Пољске. То што се ту спомињу Лугионес Сармате, означава само да су ти Лугионес у то време плаћали данак Сарматима, а у друго време су плаћали данак Маркоманима, Готима итд.

Једна детаљна мапа Римског Царства 211. године:





            Град и река Танаис (познат и по Танајским плочама) се налази у Галатији :). (TANASIS. GALATIE)


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