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Југоисточна Европа - ДНК резултати

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--- Цитат ---We also report the first data from the Late Neolithic Globular Amphora Complex. Globular Amphora individuals from two sites in Poland and Ukraine form a tight genetic cluster, showing genetic homogeneity over a large distance. We find that this population had more hunter-gatherer ancestry than Middle Neolithic groups from Central Europe (we estimate 25% WHG ancestry, similar to Chalcolithic Iberia). This finding further extends our knowledge of the variable landscape of hunter-gatherer and farmer admixture proportions in Europe.
In east-central Europe, the Globular Amphora Complex immediately precedes the Corded Ware Complex that marks the first appearance of steppe ancestry in the region. The Globular Amphora abutted populations with steppe-influenced material cultures for hundreds of years and yet the individuals in our study have no evidence of steppe ancestry, suggesting that this persistent culture frontier corresponded to a genetic barrier.

--- Крај цитата ---

--- Цитат ---The migrations from the Pontic-Caspian steppe associated with the Yamnaya Cultural Complex in the 3rd millennium BCE made a profound contribution to the genetic ancestry of central Europe, contributing about 75% of the ancestry of individuals associated with the Corded Ware Complex and about 50% of the ancestry of succeeding material cultures such as the Bell Beaker Complex.

In a few individuals from southeastern Europe, we find evidence of steppe-related ancestry far earlier (defined here as a mixture of EHG and CHG similar to the genetic signature of individuals of the later Yamnaya; Figure 1B,D). One individual (ANI163) from the Varna I cemetery dates to 4711-4550 BCE, one (I2181) from nearby Smyadovo dates to 4550-4450 BCE, and a third individual (I1927) from Verteba cave, associated with the Cucuteni-Trypillian complex, dates to 3619-2936 BCE. These findings push back by almost 2000 years the first evidence of steppe ancestry this far West in Europe, demonstrating the resumption of genetic contact between southeastern Europe and the Steppe that also occurred in the Mesolithic. Other Copper Age (~5000-4000 BCE) individuals from the Balkans have little evidence of steppe ancestry, but Bronze Age (~3400-1100 BCE) individuals do (we estimate 30%; CI: 26-35%). 

--- Крај цитата ---

--- Цитат ---This study resolves two open questions about the initial spread of farming into Europe. The first is the question of whether the first farmers of the Danubian Route that brought agriculture to northern Europe along the Danube River valley, and those that spread along the Mediterranean coast to Iberia and other southern European locations, were derived from a single ancestral population or instead represent separate migrations from different Anatolian sources. We confirm that Mediterranean populations, represented in our study by individuals of the Impressa complex from Croatia and the Epicardial Early Neolithic from Spain, are closely related to the Danubian population represented by the Linearbandkeramik (LBK) from central Europe and show that both groups are closely related to the Balkan Neolithic population. These three populations form a clade with Northwest Anatolians as an outgroup, consistent with a single migration from a population closely related to the northwestern Anatolian Neolithic farming population into the Balkan peninsula, which then split into two populations that followed the Danubian and Mediterranean routes .

--- Крај цитата ---

--- Цитат ---We provide the first evidence for sex-biased admixture between hunter-gatherers and farmers in Europe. In the Balkan Neolithic there is no evidence of sex bias using ancestry estimates obtained from qpAdm, nor in the LBK and Iberian_Early Neolithic. In central Europe Middle Neolithic there is clear bias is in favor of male hunter-gatherer ancestry. Under a single pulse model of admixture, the autosomal/X chromosome ancestry proportions imply that in the central European Middle Neolithic population that shows the strongest evidence of sex bias, 35-50% of the male ancestors were hunter- gatherers, compared to 0-5% of the female ancestors.

--- Крај цитата ---

(PDF) The Genomic History Of Southeastern Europe. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317094992_The_Genomic_History_Of_Southeastern_Europe [accessed Aug 31 2018].

Погледајте моје задње објаве с ове теме https://www.poreklo.rs/forum/index.php?topic=846.msg98498#msg98498
Не знам, је ли до сада објављен на беседишту и јесам ли га објавио на правом месту, али с обзиром на то, колико је важан за наш завичај и шире, не очекивах подпуну тишину.

Још једном спојка с радом https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317094992_The_Genomic_History_Of_Southeastern_Europe

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--- Цитат: сунце  Август 31, 2018, 05:52:37 пре подне --- (PDF) The Genomic History Of Southeastern Europe. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317094992_The_Genomic_History_Of_Southeastern_Europe [accessed Aug 31 2018].

--- Крај цитата ---

 Коментарисао сам ја један од важнијих проналазака из те студије:

 L283 из Ваника, и да се ради о посушкој/динарској култури. Имао сам на еупедији са Флором распреаве око тога, он је настојао да покаже да је L283 дошла из источних степа, а ја да је дошла из Италије, чињеница је да се старије гране срећу по Сардинији нпр. у доминантном омјеру у односу на млађе гране тамо и да постоји и мало уско грло до почетка велике експанзије L283. Постоји тај јерменски узорак из касног бронзаног доба, сложио сам се да он може промјенити слику, али треба и видјети неку ближу и даљу прошлост тог узорка, L283 је мање присутна од нпр. E-V13 на истоку па чак и на Кавказу, тако да и бројност прави проблем код "степске" теорије.

 Вјероватно би било могуће исконтруисати која су илирска племена била доминантно L283, не да ми се на томе радити тренутно.:)


--- Цитат: сунце  Септембар 01, 2018, 02:29:47 поподне ---Погледајте моје задње објаве с ове теме https://www.poreklo.rs/forum/index.php?topic=846.msg98498#msg98498
Не знам, је ли до сада објављен на беседишту и јесам ли га објавио на правом месту, али с обзиром на то, колико је важан за наш завичај и шире, не очекивах подпуну тишину.

Још једном спојка с радом https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317094992_The_Genomic_History_Of_Southeastern_Europe

Можда ваља преместити или удвостручити у "Древна ДНК - научни радови".

--- Крај цитата ---

Већ смо нашироко и надугачко дискутовали о овом раду из 2017. године:


Од ове поруке, па надаље...

Црна Гуја:
Не знам да ли је овде помињано раније, али наведени узорак припада низводној грани Y15058, с тим што је негативан на Z40052, и на Z38241/PH1602 која се најчешће среће међу Србима, Хрватима и Бугарима.


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