ДНК порекло > Aрхеологија и археогенетика
Геномска историја Југоисточне Европе
The Genomic History Of Southeastern Europe
--- Цитат ---Farming was first introduced to southeastern Europe in the mid-7th millennium BCE - brought by migrants from Anatolia who settled in the region before spreading throughout Europe. However, the dynamics of the interaction between the first farmers and the indigenous hunter-gatherers remain poorly understood because of the near absence of ancient DNA from the region. We report new genome-wide ancient DNA data from 204 individuals-65 Paleolithic and Mesolithic, 93 Neolithic, and 46 Copper, Bronze and Iron Age-who lived in southeastern Europe and surrounding regions between about 12,000 and 500 BCE. We document that the hunter-gatherer populations of southeastern Europe, the Baltic, and the North Pontic Steppe were distinctive from those of western Europe, with a West-East cline of ancestry. We show that the people who brought farming to Europe were not part of a single population, as early farmers from southern Greece are not descended from the Neolithic population of northwestern Anatolia that was ancestral to all other European farmers. The ancestors of the first farmers of northern and western Europe passed through southeastern Europe with limited admixture with local hunter-gatherers, but we show that some groups that remained in the region mixed extensively with local hunter-gatherers, with relatively sex-balanced admixture compared to the male-biased hunter-gatherer admixture that we show prevailed later in the North and West. After the spread of farming, southeastern Europe continued to be a nexus between East and West, with intermittent steppe ancestry, including in individuals from the Varna I cemetery and associated with the Cucuteni-Trypillian archaeological complex, up to 2,000 years before the Steppe migration that replaced much of northern Europe's population.
--- Крај цитата ---
Неки од занимљивијих резултата:
I4666 6222-5912 calBCE Lepenski Vir R1b1a
I3499 2884-2666 calBCE (4176±28 BP, BRAMS-1304) Croatia_Vucedol R1b1a1a2a2
I2792 2872-2617 calBCE (4130±35 BP, Poz-90126) Croatia_Vucedol G2a2a1a2a
I1926 3931-3640 calBCE [3705-3640 calBCE] Trypillia G2a2b2a
I2110 3911-3659 calBCE (4976±33 BP, OxA-26203) Trypillia G2a2b2a
I2111 3758-3636 calBCE (4888±32 BP, OxA-26204) Trypillia G2a
I3151 4000-3600 BCE Trypillia E
I1927 3619-2936 calBCE (4550±90 BP, Ki-13388) Trypillia_outlier G2a2b2a1a1b1a1a1
I3948 5600-5470 BCE Croatia_Cardial_Neolithic E1b1b1a1b1
I4331 1700-1500 BCE Croatia_EMBA J2b2a
I0017 Motala12 5721-5631 calBCE (6773±30 BP, Ua-51723) Motala_HG I2a1b2a1
Сви резултати из Србије:
I0633 5604-5376 calBCE (6520±40 BP, Poz-82186) Serbia G2a2a1
I0634 4710-4504 calBCE (5760±40 BP, Poz-82185) Serbia G2a2a1a
I1131 4605-4460 calBCE (5700±30 BP, Beta-432798) Serbia G2a2a1a
I4666 6222-5912 calBCE (7179±73* BP, OxA-25211) Serbia R1b1a
I4882 6200-5900 BCE Serbia I2a2a1b
I4914 6355-5990 calBCE (7264±80 BP, OxA-16941, on Burial 20 - skull) Serbia I2a2a1b2
I4915 7300-6000 BCE Serbia I2a2
I4916 7300-6000 BCE Serbia R1b1a(xR1b1a1,xR1b1a1a,xR1b1a1a2)
I5235 9221-8548 calBCE (9480±110* BP, AA-57771) Serbia R1b1a(xR1b1a1a,xR1b1a1a2)
I5236 8753–8351 calBCE (9331±58 BP, BM-1146) Serbia I2a1
I5237 8703–8246 calBCE (9198±103* BP, BM-1147) Serbia R1b1a(xR1b1a1a,xR1b1a1a2)
I5240 9500-6200 BCE Serbia R1b1a(xR1b1a1a,xR1b1a1a2)
I4870 6655-6225 calBCE (7660±85*, AA-57778) Serbia I2
I4878 6200-5900 BCE Serbia I2a2a
I4880 6200-5900 BCE Serbia I2a2a1b2
I4881 6200-5900 BCE Serbia I2a2a1b2
S5771.E1.L1 6500-6250 calBCE Serbia I
S5772.E1.L1 7100-5900 BCE Serbia R1b1a(xR1b1a1a,xR1b1a1a2)
S5773.E1.L1 8240-7940 calBCE Serbia I
I5232 6061-5841 calBCE (7078±85* BP, AA-57769) Serbia R1b1a(xR1b1a1a,xR1b1a1a2)
Треба пребацити целокупну ону дискусију овде, с' обзиром да се ради о веома значајној студији, што по броју узорака, занимљивости резултата, као и самим тим што су узорци добрим делом узети са територије Србије. :)
Мислим да је једна од значајнијих ствари која је откривена у овом истраживању присуство старог R1b у мезолитској Култури Лепенског Вира. Очигледно се R1b а ни R1a нису спустили у југоисточну Европу само током индоевропских миграција током енеолита и бронзаног доба, већ много раније. Изгледа међутим да ти рани балкански R1b до данашњег дана нису преживели, међутим не бих искључио појављивање неког "фосилног" R1b који би био негативан на све мутације низводније од L754 или L388, исто као што је пронађен фамозни мијачки R1a YP1051 (M417-), a за који је исто врло извесно да је на Балкан дошао за време мезолита.
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