Аутор Тема: Dante Labs  (Прочитано 116265 пута)

Ван мреже Ивица Јовановић

  • Члан Друштва
  • Истраживач
  • *****
  • Поруке: 954
  • J-L70 > J-Z40772* mdDNA:HV-b15a
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #800 послато: Мај 25, 2023, 07:44:39 поподне »
Да, ускоро ће Масларићев резултат. И да, територијано су близу Гуче Горе ови Л70 што славе Св. Јована, ту сигурно има неке везе. Да додамо да је Небојша проучавајућу стање на 23андме увидео да је и међу Хрватима Л70 врло бројна. Ту постоји неки стари кластер који тек чека да се открије. Ето, ускоро ћемо да видимо колико су удаљени ови што славе Јовањдан од ове екипе са југа Србије што слави Никољдан. Ту укључујем мене, јер је мени родовска Никољдан (кућна је Петковица). Ако су нека моја влашка нагађања тачна та веза не може бити млађа од 1600 година. Односно мислим да су се њихови преци у време пада лимеса затекли на јадранској обали (или близу) док су ови са југа струја из Грчке, Мак и слично. Видећемо. Но пушти то, ено га први српски Л2 на Јфул-у ускоро. То је много важнија вест.
Милутин Бранковић, 4. ескадрон Коњичке дивизије. Крф 26.04.1916.
Сава Питић, 13. Пук. Острво Видo 24.01.1916.
Сима Мијуцић, 9. пешадијски пук. Браунау 1917.

Ван мреже НиколаВук

  • Уредник
  • Бели орао
  • *****
  • Поруке: 8556
  • I2-PH908>Y250780>A32852, род Никшића
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #801 послато: Јун 11, 2023, 08:58:37 поподне »
Стигла је потврда о почетку секвенцирања за још једног кандидата који је послао свој узорак преко Порекла:

1. Илинчић, Лучиндан, Мртво Дубоко, Колашин - I2-Y250780>A32852, род Никшића-Ровчана (братство Срезојевића)
« Последња измена: Јун 11, 2023, 09:00:36 поподне НиколаВук »
Чињеницама против самоувереног незнања.

Ван мреже Неродимац

  • Члан Друштва
  • Познавалац
  • *****
  • Поруке: 627
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #802 послато: Јун 11, 2023, 10:50:38 поподне »
Стигла је потврда о почетку секвенцирања за још једног кандидата који је послао свој узорак преко Порекла:

1. Илинчић, Лучиндан, Мртво Дубоко, Колашин - I2-Y250780>A32852, род Никшића-Ровчана (братство Срезојевића)

Одлично, биће до краја године.

Ван мреже Дабижљевић Милан

  • Члан Друштва
  • Почетник
  • *****
  • Поруке: 39
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #803 послато: Јун 12, 2023, 01:07:10 поподне »
Поштовање свима!
Из досадашњег искуства са лабораторијом, колико времена им треба да одреде резултате?
Обзиром да иду и годишњи одмори.

Ван мреже Ojler

  • Члан Управног одбора
  • Бели орао
  • *
  • Поруке: 5352
  • Y-DNK: I2-Y3120 Z17855>PH3414 Мириловићи
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #804 послато: Јун 12, 2023, 02:34:25 поподне »
Поштовање свима!
Из досадашњег искуства са лабораторијом, колико времена им треба да одреде резултате?
Обзиром да иду и годишњи одмори.

Према досадашњем искуству, од месец и по до додину и по.
Kамене рабъ и госодинъ

Ван мреже Ивица Јовановић

  • Члан Друштва
  • Истраживач
  • *****
  • Поруке: 954
  • J-L70 > J-Z40772* mdDNA:HV-b15a
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #805 послато: Јун 21, 2023, 01:13:52 поподне »
Slava, da li imate koje vijesti o ljudima koji su se testirali preko projekta? Vidim da se Yfull posljednjih dana radošćuje novim rezultatima. Možda je Dante probio zastoje, jer je dugo bilo suše na Yfullu.
Милутин Бранковић, 4. ескадрон Коњичке дивизије. Крф 26.04.1916.
Сава Питић, 13. Пук. Острво Видo 24.01.1916.
Сима Мијуцић, 9. пешадијски пук. Браунау 1917.

Ван мреже НиколаВук

  • Уредник
  • Бели орао
  • *****
  • Поруке: 8556
  • I2-PH908>Y250780>A32852, род Никшића
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #806 послато: Јун 23, 2023, 01:30:55 поподне »
Попуст код Дантеа траје до сутра у 18 часова по средњоевропском времену.

MyGenome Test now at only €199. [ENDS ON SAT., JUNE 24TH AT 6 PM CEST]
Чињеницама против самоувереног незнања.

Ван мреже Mi lao shu

  • Гост
  • *
  • Поруке: 3
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #807 послато: Јун 29, 2023, 06:33:05 поподне »
Pozdrav svima,
 pre neki dan mi je stigao DHL-om test od Dantea, medjutim crnogorski DHL je isprva preuzeo urađen test a zatim mi i isti vratio uz obzrazloženje da fizička lica ne mogu da šalju takav materijal već samo sertifikovane labaratorije.
Da li neko ima neki predlog kako da rešim novonastalu situaciju?
Hvala unapred!

Ван мреже Симеон Волос

  • Помоћник
  • ****
  • Поруке: 122
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #808 послато: Јун 29, 2023, 07:59:17 поподне »
Пробајте преко државне Поште. Имају услугу EMS, односно експрес међународну брзу пошту.Управа царина свакако има своју испоставу при пошти па њима можда и истолеришу оно што нису  DHL-у.

Ако ни то не успије пробајте да пронађете неку везу у било којој лабораторији да они пошаљу уместо вас.

Ван мреже Ваљевац

  • Почетник
  • **
  • Поруке: 39
  • R1b
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #809 послато: Јул 15, 2023, 12:56:11 поподне »
Ne,čekam dva iz Novembra.Izvinjavaju se,kažu da su u gužvi i nude neke medicinske rezultate gratis.

Да ли су завршили те анализе из Новембра или и даље нису ни почели.... ?

Ван мреже Grbić

  • Члан Друштва
  • Писар
  • *****
  • Поруке: 233
  • R1A>BY149000>FTA3227
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #810 послато: Јул 15, 2023, 02:05:51 поподне »
Да ли су завршили те анализе из Новембра или и даље нису ни почели.... ?
Jedan je stigao pre mesec dana,drugog još nema.

Ван мреже abmunteanu

Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #811 послато: Јул 15, 2023, 04:18:42 поподне »
My sample was received by Dante Labs on March 31. I contacted them by e-mail, first on April 30 and then on June 15, because my sample had not begun processing and had the status: “awaiting quality control inspection”. Both times I received a response with apologies for the delay. The second time they offered me 5 free additional genomic panels.

This was my answer to their offer:

Thanks for the offer of free panels, but this does not solve the problem of the test being so much delayed. I bought the test almost exclusively for the Y-DNA BAM file. I already know the haplogroup, because my father has taken the Big Y test at FTDNA. But because of another Big Y test for a relative, I am not happy with FTDNA, which in my opinion has rushed my relative’s test, as there are no BIG Y and Y-67 matches, although there is an American who has exactly the same haplogroup as him, and there are some Hungarians who have closely related haplogroups and are distant autosomal matches with my relative. There was also the situation in which FTDNA found an incorrect mtDNA haplogroup (J1) after a Full Sequence test for my sister’s son, who has the same haplogroup as me (J1c as found by 23andMe). Also he had no matches. I contacted FTDNA and demonstrated that the result was wrong, and they corrected it, blaming a software error (and the matches instantly appeared). There were also other situations, some ridiculous, like for example, there was an autosomal match who had more shared DNA with my sister on the X chromosome than myself, but that match had no shared DNA at all on the autosomal chromosomes. So, from my experience, FTDNA has very poor or no quality control. This is why I refused to pay 100 USD for my father’s BAM file and chose instead to buy the WGS test at Dante Labs.

I had no idea that I would wait so much, not for the results to be delivered, but for the DNA sample to begin processing. FTDNA, with all its sins, at least delivers the results on time, or much quicker (the Big Y test of my relative took only a month, this is why I say it was rushed to make place for the other samples to be processed). Of course I prefer the test to take more time than to be rushed, but there must be a warning in advance when you make the purchase. Dante Labs must clearly say that the result of the test will be delivered in 6 months, so the buyer would know in advance if he wants to wait, or go to a competitor. I know my haplogroups both for Y-DNA and for mtDNA, so for me the wait does not matter so much. I only need the files to upload to YFull.

But I can tell you that people have already began to joke about Dante Labs, and it’s not good for the reputation of the company. Your biggest sales agents are the people interested in genealogy, who would recommend your company to others. These people are not pleased with the delay, so they will not recommend Dante Labs anymore. For example, there is a Serbian genealogy forum, where Dante Labs has a thread. I don’t know Serbian, so I use Google Translate to read it. See the attached screenshot.

This is the latest page of the thread in original:

The same page translated with Google:

One forum user asks: “From past experience with the laboratory, how long does it take them to determine the results?”
Another forum user responds: “According to previous experience, from a month and a half to a year and a half.”

I don’t know many who would want to risk waiting for a year and a half in order to receive the results. So, because more and more people learn about the results delay, Dante Labs loses customers.

And this was their answer to my message:

Dear Bogdan,

We truly appreciate your feedback.
We are so sorry for the overall experience. We realize that the results are long overdue and this is very concerning for all the customers. We are trying to reassure everyone that they will receive their results, and if we could do more, we would, please believe us. All of the samples from the Poreklo projects have been flagged to the lab for expedited processing, but even then, it still takes some time and we are very sorry for the situation.

The update is that my sample has begun processing a few days ago, after 3.5 months since it was received. Maybe some of the Poreklo samples have also begun processing since now they have priority over other samples.

Ван мреже CosicZ

  • Редакција СДНКП
  • Истраживач
  • ******
  • Поруке: 902
  • Ђурђевдан Y:I1>P109>FGC22045 Панчево
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #812 послато: Јул 16, 2023, 07:53:55 пре подне »
За оне који живи не дочекају резултате Данте Лабса, још увек постоји последња шанса.

Ван мреже abmunteanu

Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #813 послато: Јул 22, 2023, 06:02:22 поподне »
Another update. After a week, my sample has reverted to the "Awaiting Quality Control Inspection" status. There is definitely something wrong with Dante Labs. I would not be surprised if they will file for banktrupcy in the near future. They are not reliable, and I really can not see who would want to use their services. They attract customers by having a really good price for their WGS test, but it's not worth it, because you have no confidence that you will receive the results. The bad publicity from the unsatisfied customers will likely destroy them. Many will think that it's a scam, just like the first link from CosicZ's message above.

Ван мреже сɣнце

  • Члан Друштва
  • Памтиша
  • *****
  • Поруке: 1698
  • I-A1328
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #814 послато: Јул 22, 2023, 06:38:32 поподне »
Another update. After a week, my sample has reverted to the "Awaiting Quality Control Inspection" status. There is definitely something wrong with Dante Labs. I would not be surprised if they will file for banktrupcy in the near future. They are not reliable, and I really can not see who would want to use their services. They attract customers by having a really good price for their WGS test, but it's not worth it, because you have no confidence that you will receive the results. The bad publicity from the unsatisfied customers will likely destroy them. Many will think that it's a scam, just like the first link from CosicZ's message above.

I tested few people over DanteLabs so far but I have always sent my samples from Germany to Italy and the results were done each time within 6-7 weeks.
Лијеп бит није лијеп се родит,
јербо љепоти може се научит;
а кад душом љепује человјек,
које вањско с тијем поредит?

На мрежи Драган Обреновић

  • Члан Управног одбора
  • Истраживач
  • *
  • Поруке: 980
  • R1b-U152>FTA27217
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #815 послато: Јул 22, 2023, 08:39:31 поподне »
Another update. After a week, my sample has reverted to the "Awaiting Quality Control Inspection" status. There is definitely something wrong with Dante Labs. I would not be surprised if they will file for banktrupcy in the near future. They are not reliable, and I really can not see who would want to use their services. They attract customers by having a really good price for their WGS test, but it's not worth it, because you have no confidence that you will receive the results. The bad publicity from the unsatisfied customers will likely destroy them. Many will think that it's a scam, just like the first link from CosicZ's message above.

Your frustration is understandable, but it's important to note that other "Direct to consumer" DNA testing companies also have their flaws.

For instance, my experience with Nebula Genomics was potentially even worse. They mistakenly mixed my DNA sample with the sample of an unknown person, who apparently had Polish origins (I uploaded his Y-DNA to YFull and did autosomal analysis of his result).

Fortunately, I had previously taken DNA tests with Poreklo, FTDNA, and Dante Labs, and all of these results matched each other consistently. This made it easier for me to contest Nebula's customer support, who initially denied any wrongdoing on their part.

If I were an average person who had only tested with Nebula Genomics for health reasons (which is the case for approximately 90% of their customers), I might not have been able to notice that they had mixed up my sample with someone else's. After numerous email exchanges and considerable argumentation on my part, the issue was finally escalated to their top management, and they sent me a replacement kit.

Ван мреже abmunteanu

Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #816 послато: Јул 23, 2023, 03:38:37 поподне »
This is a two part message.

Suntze [сɣнце], you were lucky or maybe they treat differently the samples that come from Germany.

Dragan Obrenović [Драган Обреновић], I was considering testing with Nebula, but after your experience with them, I’ll pass. You actually cannot trust any of these companies to deliver correct results in a reasonable amount of time.

The problem with Dante Labs is the fact that they obviously don’t have the hardware capability to do the tests that were ordered. But they continue to regularly offer the WGS test at a heavily discounted price (200 EUR instead of 400 EUR), which has the effect of complicating the problem by adding new orders to the already long queue of already existing orders.

In my opinion this discounted price is actually a dirty method to destroy the competition by attracting the majority of the customers who want a WGS test. Let’s be real, 200 EUR for a WGS test is a dumping price and no other DNA company has a similar offer, because it’s not sustainable.


It is similar to a Ponzi scheme, where Dante Labs presents itself as a company that has the secret to do WGS tests for half the price than the competition. But there’s no secret, they probably do some financial speculations with the money gathered from the customers, that allows them to, at least for now, support this low cost. This is why they keep the money for so long without delivering the results. It’s actually free money, paid for a product that may never be delivered. However, in the end they will crash, and will declare banktrupcy, like any other Ponzi scheme.


The end may be near for Dante Labs. People are increasingly annoyed by their business practices. Their rating is abysmal, 1 to 2 stars. See the angry reviews below on the Trustpilot site. I will offer a small sample, but there are a lot of unsatisfied customers from Europe and the US who are waiting for their results with no hope of receiving them.

A Rumanian from Great Britain wrote 3 days ago:
<<This is the 7th time I am contacting you.
At this point, I just want my refund NOW. You are thieves. I don't care if you are working on it and there are delays, I do not want my results.
Refund the order or I will take legal action, as you have not respected the estimated time stated in your terms and conditions.>>

A British man wrote 3 days ago:
<<They took my money on February 13th but kit didn't work, so they sent another and this they received on March 3rd.
Nearly 20 weeks later, still NOTHING and status is still just showing "Awaiting Quality Control Inspection".
I do occasionally get replies saying that they have a high volume of samples and unfortunately are delays.
They said that they asked the lab to process my sample as soon as possible and I should hear something in 2-3 weeks.
FOUR weeks later, still nothing.

Another Rumanian from Great Britain wrote 6 days ago:
<<DO NOT ORDER these tests with Dante Labs,
check their Facebook page, lots of people are complaining there too. The results are months late or no results at all.
Their general response seems to be that their lab is "tirelessly working to resolve the issue" and "to reply to our request for details" but there are no further updates.
Their website policy states that they will deliver the results in 8 weeks and refuse to refund your money even after several months delay. This is clearly a SCAM and not company should be allowed to operate like that.
I sent my sample in February 2023 and has been sat at "Awaiting quality control" until May then changed to "Sequencing Started" and no further progress. I went with a different provider (cannot advertise the name here) in June and got my results last week.
DO NOT TRUST Dante Labs, do not get fooled by their advertisement for low prices - they cannot serve their current customers let alone new ones.>>


Ван мреже abmunteanu

Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #817 послато: Јул 23, 2023, 03:39:39 поподне »
Same negative reviews on the Better Bussiness Bureau site, a nonprofit organization that rates companies according to the degree of confidence that the customers have in the products of these companies. Dante Labs has an F rating, the worst possible one.

05/15/2023 <<I bought a DNA testing kit on Jan 28th and they had given a timeline of upto 6 weeks. It has been over 3 months now and still not result. I want a refund.>>

05/10/2023 <<I made an order with Dante Labs on 26th of December for Genome DNA test which should take 6 weeks, however 5 months later, they have not provided any results to me. Customer Services respond that they have delay, but this a very long period already and I would like to have to have a refund.>>

04/25/2023 <<I prepaid for analysis of 2 samples for 199$ each. The turnaround time was 6 weeks and I have not received till now what I paid for. I have been on email comms and they really don't know when they will complete the service they were prepaid for. This is a SCAM - misleading ads, aggressive marketing, false turnaround time.They do not reimburse me. You really need to get competent authorities involved with this scam.>>


On Facebook, similar complaints are present as comments to the posts of Dante Labs. It should be mentioned that Dante Labs hides many of the comments.

June 21 2023: <<They got my kit February the 13th [2023]. Today is the 21st of June. I'm still waiting for the results. I'm very angry.>>

June 30 2023: <<Hi, I also feel compelled to raise my complain to te FB of Dante Labs. I have been waiting for my results for 4 months now, been contacting customer service multiple times. This is deeply disappointing, highly frustrating and completely unacceptable. I request an immediate refund of 199 euros directly to my credit card.>>

June 20 2023: <<Can you please stop advertising your products as you are minimum 6 months behind with your existing orders incapable of fulfilling them. Mine for example. Since January!!!!!! i am waiting.>>

June 8 2023: <<You received my testkit in december 2022, 4 months ago started the sequencing...nothing since then. I dont know your sequencing environment, is it done by hand? I am not a happy customer and your is far away from effective.>>


I don’t know why the company has chosen the name Dante Labs, with reference to the medieval poet Dante Alighieri. Probably the fact that the name DANTE contains approximately the same letters as DNA TEst. This choice was unfortunate, because Dante was a poet, not a scientist, and DNA testing is science, not literature. I told them that these massive delays are making the company seem very unprofessional and people will start joking: “Why is the company named Dante Labs? Because the tests are stuck in Purgatory”. And as Dante Alighieri has written the Divine Comedy, Dante Labs wants to write the DNA Comedy.

In conclusion, it seems best to avoid Dante Labs, they will probably go bankrupt in the near future. In the last 2 years their only investor was the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, the two founders of Dante Labs being Italian citizens. The fact that they don’t attract investor money, other than from the Italian state budget is not good. When private investors don’t trust a company, that means the company will likely fail, regardless of the state sponsoring that it receives.


In conclusion, as much as I hate to say it, FTDNA is a better option for those that want an advanced Y-DNA test (Big Y). The only thing that should be remembered is NOT to order a Big Y test when FTDNA has a sale (Father’s Day, Thanksgiving, etc.). The price reduction is very little (20 USD) and FTDNA rushes the tests that were ordered during the sale, because of their increased number, so there are more errors in the results, compared to the tests that were ordered outside of the sales.

Ван мреже Милош

  • Уредник СДНКП
  • Бели орао
  • *****
  • Поруке: 5495
  • Y134591 Тарски Никшићи
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #818 послато: Јул 26, 2023, 10:19:40 пре подне »
У светлу резултата Миловића, чији налог водим, а који су били готови за нешто мало више од предвиђених 8 недеља, могу рећи да се никако више не наручују тестови за Црни Петак. Ти узорци, бар ове што ја пратим, још нису започели секвенцирање. То је моје искуство, како сад, тако и претходних година. Попусти су током целе године и на новоу су Црног Петка.

Ван мреже ДушанПан

  • Члан Друштва
  • Помоћник
  • *****
  • Поруке: 129
  • Панић - Сирдија, Осечина I2-PH908
Одг: Dante Labs
« Одговор #819 послато: Јул 26, 2023, 10:31:33 пре подне »
У светлу резултата Миловића, чији налог водим, а који су били готови за нешто мало више од предвиђених 8 недеља, могу рећи да се никако више не наручују тестови за Црни Петак. Ти узорци, бар ове што ја пратим, још нису започели секвенцирање. То је моје искуство, како сад, тако и претходних година. Попусти су током целе године и на новоу су Црног Петка.

Плус што може да се искористи и промо код FORME15. Тако сам ја платио 169 евра у Јуну ове године. Надам се да то неће утицати на брзину добијања резултата.  :)