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MAO-A gen?

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--- Цитат: marigold  Март 10, 2019, 05:44:39 поподне ---Пре пар дана сам урадила и постоји тај резултат. Можда не тражите на правом месту. То се налази на: https://www.yourdnaportal.com/yourtraits

--- Крај цитата ---

Nasao sam , svejedno hvala!

Da li je iko ikada ispao "ratnik"  :) ?
Meni je ispalo Worrier Versus Warrior itd..


--- Цитат: barbarylion  Март 12, 2019, 08:22:40 пре подне ---Da li je iko ikada ispao "ratnik"  :) ?

--- Крај цитата ---

Та сам :)


--- Цитат: marigold  Март 12, 2019, 11:42:38 пре подне ---Та сам :)

--- Крај цитата ---

Svaka čast ;)

Драган Обреновић:
Ево ја из куриозитета наручио додатни "Monoamine Oxidase A" тест на FTDNA, пошто знам за себе да имам често "кратак фитиљ", па да видим шта каже генетика ;)

Monoamine Oxidase A (Warrior Gene)    $49.50
The Warrior Gene is a variant of the gene MAO-A on the X chromosome. Recent studies have linked the Warrior Gene to increased risk-taking and aggressive behavior. Whether in sports, business, or other activities, scientists found that individuals with the Warrior Gene variant were more likely to be combative than those with the normal MAO-A gene. However, human behavior is complex and influenced by many factors, including genetics and our environment. Individuals with the Warrior Gene are not necessarily more aggressive, but according to scientific studies, are more likely to be aggressive than those without the Warrior Gene variant. This test is available for both men and women, however, there is limited research about the Warrior Gene variant amongst females. Additional details about the Warrior Gene genetic variant of MAO-A can be found in Sabol et al, 1998.

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