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mt-ДНК становништва Европе

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Муњени Ћелић:
Проценат mt-ДНК хаплогрупа по културама: Ловци-скупљачи, Бел Бикер, Курган Украјина, Corded Ware culture и друге.


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Како генетика (мтДНК) показује да сви воде порекло од једне жене:


MtDNA variation of studied Western Balkan populations

Haplogroup H is the most frequent and diverse hg in all analyzed Western Balkan populations. Its frequency [38,9% (CR 31,9 – 46,3%) of total sample] corresponds well with the overall frequency of hg H in most of the Europe.

The second largest subset of maternal lineages belong to hg U (19,4%). Hg U lineages detected in this study belong to subhgs U1, U2, U4, U5 and K1 , the last one of those covering more than one third of hg U lineages (6,9% from the total mtDNA pool, 36,4% from hg U).

Hg J is one of the most frequent and variable hgs in a study area (Figure S16). It comprises 11% of the mtDNA variation in Europe, with the highest frequency of 14,1% in the East Mediterranean [1] and close to that also in our sample (13,7%).

In the study of Malyarchuk et al. the frequency of hg J among Bosnians was 7,0%. The sub-hg J1, with defining mutations at nucleotide positions (nps) 462-3010, is the most frequent and widespread in all studied Western Balkan populations. Its sub-clade J1c is shared by all analyzed populations and is also the most frequent branch of J as well as of J1 (8,6% from total sample size ). From J1c lineages, J1c2* is the most frequent (4%from total, 29,2% from J samples) and widespread. The overall frequency of hg T is half of that of its sister-clade J (5,7%) in a whole Western Balkan area.

All ethnic groups living in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosniacs, Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Serbs - showed close maternal affinities.

Ово делује занимљиво (прочитао сам само део). У Жумберку повишен проценат J и T.

Maternal Genetic Heritage of Southeastern Europe Reveals a New Croatian Isolate and a Novel, Local Sub‐Branching in the X2 Haplogroup

High mtDNA variation in Southeastern Europe (SEE) is a reflection of the turbulent and complex demographic history of this area, influenced by gene flow from various parts of Eurasia and a long history of intermixing. Our results of 1035 samples (488 from Croatia, 239 from Bosnia and 130 from Herzegovina, reported earlier, and 97 Slovenians and 81 individuals from Žumberak, reported here for the first time) show that the SEE maternal genetic diversity fits within a broader European maternal genetic landscape. The study also shows that the population of Žumberak, located in the continental part of Croatia, developed some unique mtDNA haplotypes and elevated haplogroup frequencies due to distinctive demographic history and can be considered a moderate genetic isolate. We also report seven samples from the Bosnian population and one Herzegovinian sample designated as X2* individuals that could not be assigned to any of its sublineages (X2a'o) according to the existing X2 phylogeny. In an attempt to clarify the phylogeny of our X2 samples, their mitochondrial DNA has been completely sequenced. We suppose that these lineages are signs of local microdifferentiation processes that occurred in the recent demographic past in this area and could possibly be marked as SEE‐specific X2 sublineages.

Аутори поменуте студије доносе закључак да је становништво западног Балкана, судећи по mtDNA, најсличнијe становништву Чешке и Белорусије.

Значи ли то да се хаплогрупе H и U могу везати за неко старије, палеолитско становништво Европе, које се могло утопити и у словенски корпус.

Ако може Ацо да појасни. :)


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