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Ancient genomes suggest the eastern Pontic-Caspian steppe as the source of western Iron Age nomads (03 Oct 2018)


Аутори: Maja Krzewińska1, Gülşah Merve Kılınç1, Anna Juras, Dilek Koptekin, Maciej Chyleński, Alexey G. Nikitin, Nikolai Shcherbakov, Iia Shuteleva, Tatiana Leonova, Liudmila Kraeva, Flarit A. Sungatov, Alfija N. Sultanova, Inna Potekhina, Sylwia Łukasik, Marta Krenz-Niedbała, Love Dalén, Vitaly Sinika, Mattias Jakobsson, Jan Storå and Anders Götherström и др.

"We sequenced 35 genomes (low to medium coverage) of Bronze Age individuals (Srubnaya-Alakulskaya) and Iron Age nomads (Cimmerians, Scythians, and Sarmatians) that represent four distinct cultural entities corresponding to the chronological sequence of cultural complexes in the region (the Pontic-Caspian steppe).The nomadic populations were heterogeneous and carried genetic affinities with populations from several other regions including the Far East and the southern Urals. "

We produced genome-wide sequence data with genome coverage between 0.01× and 2.9× per individual for 35 Bronze Age and Iron Age individuals from the Pontic-Caspian steppe from four chronologically sequential cultural groups, which comprise Srubnaya-Alakulskaya individuals (n = 13), Cimmerians (n = 3), Scythians (n = 14), and Sarmatians (n = 5), with radiocarbon dates between ca. 1900 BCE and 400 CE.

Late Bronze Age (LBA) Srubnaya-Alakulskaya individuals carried mtDNA haplogroups associated with Europeans or West Eurasians (17) including H, J1, K1, T2, U2, U4, and U5 (table S3).

In contrast, the Iron Age nomads (Cimmerians, Scythians, and Sarmatians) additionally carried mtDNA haplogroups associated with Central Asia and the Far East (A, C, D, and M) (table S3) (11, 18). The absence of East Asian mitochondrial lineages in the more eastern and older Srubnaya-Alakulskaya population suggests that the appearance of East Asian haplogroups in the steppe populations might be associated with the Iron Age nomads, starting with the Cimmerians.

The Y chromosome haplogroup variation in 17 of 18 males was limited to two major haplogroup lineages within the macrohaplogroup “R” (table S3).

The Srubnaya-Alakulskaya individuals carried the Y haplogroup R1a, which showed a major expansion during the Bronze Age (19). It has previously been found in Bronze Age individuals from the Krasnoyarsk Kurgan in Siberia (20).

The Iron Age nomads mostly carried the R1b Y haplogroup, which is characteristic of the Yamnaya of the Russian steppe (4). An exception was a Cimmerian individual (cim358) who carried the Q1* lineage associated with the east (table S3).

Genetic relationships between Eurasian steppe nomads and present-day populations

PCA on the autosomal genomic data (Fig. 1C and table S5) revealed the following: (i) Srubnaya-Alakulskaya individuals exhibited genetic affinity to northern and northeastern present-day Europeans (fig. S3), and these results were also consistent with outgroup f3 statistics (table S6 and fig. S4A). (ii) The Cimmerian individuals, representing the time period of transition from Bronze to Iron Age, were not homogeneous regarding their genetic similarities to present-day populations according to the PCA. F3 statistics confirmed the heterogeneity of these individuals in comparison with present-day populations (table S6 and figs. S3 and S4C). (iii) The Scythians reported in this study, from the core Scythian territory in the North Pontic steppe (12), showed high intragroup diversity. In the PCA, they are positioned as four visually distinct groups compared to the gradient of present-day populations (Fig. 1C):

(i) A group of three individuals (scy009, scy010, and scy303) showed genetic affinity to north European populations, hereafter referred to as a north European (NE) cluster.

(ii) A group of four individuals (scy192, scy197, scy300, and scy305) showed genetic similarities to southern European populations, hereafter referred to as a south European (SE) cluster.

(iii) A group of three individuals (scy006, scy011, and scy193) located between the genetic variation of Mordovians and populations of the North Caucasus, hereafter referred to as a steppe cluster (SC). In addition, one Srubnaya-Alakulskaya individual (kzb004), the most recent Cimmerian (cim357), and all Sarmatians fell within this cluster. In contrast to the Scythians, and despite being from opposite ends of the Pontic-Caspian steppe, the five Sarmatians grouped close together in this cluster.

(iv) A group of three Scythians (scy301, scy304, and scy311) formed a discrete group between the SC and SE and had genetic affinities to present-day Bulgarian, Greek, Croatian, and Turkish populations, hereafter referred to as a central cluster (CC).

All PCA results were consistent with outgroup f3 statistics (table S6 and figs. S3 and S4, B and D). Finally, one individual from a Scythian cultural context (scy332) is positioned outside of the modern West Eurasian genetic variation (Fig. 1C) but shared genetic drift with East Asian populations (table S6 and fig. S4B).

Ancient genomes suggest the eastern Pontic-Caspian steppe as the source of western Iron Age nomads (03 Oct 2018)


Анализирани дeо у раду (Pontic-Caspian steppe)


--- Цитат: на Црвeњском путу  Април 07, 2020, 08:17:48 пре подне ---

Ancient genomes suggest the eastern Pontic-Caspian steppe as the source of western Iron Age nomads (03 Oct 2018)


The Y chromosome haplogroup variation in 17 of 18 males was limited to two major haplogroup lineages within the macrohaplogroup “R” (table S3).

The Srubnaya-Alakulskaya individuals carried the Y haplogroup R1a, which showed a major expansion during the Bronze Age (19). It has previously been found in Bronze Age individuals from the Krasnoyarsk Kurgan in Siberia (20).

Genetic relationships between Eurasian steppe nomads and present-day populations

(iv) A group of three Scythians (scy301, scy304, and scy311) formed a discrete group between the SC and SE and had genetic affinities to present-day Bulgarian, Greek, Croatian, and Turkish populations, hereafter referred to as a central cluster (CC).

--- Крај цитата ---

Рад има 13 страна и можe сe скинути у PDF формату (намeрно наводим имeна аутора рада - нe знам из којих су држава и научних институција али би сe то могло истражити).

Сад, мeнe јако занима којe су то гранe Р1а пронађeнe код испитиваних узорака и на којe гранe сe мисли код данашњих Бугара, Грка, Хрвата и Турака ?

Има ли код Срба нeшто од тих грана (пошто сe имe Срба доводило и у вeзу са Скитима)?

О том раду смо детаљно дискутовали овде.

Занимљив "рад" који покушава да објасни разлику измeђу Скита и Сака
(Zoroastrian Heritage, Author: K. E. Eduljee)

Aryan Saka, Scythia & Scythians


For the main part, the traditional land of the Saka forms part of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan today.

Map of Eurasian steppes or grasslands Scythia occupied the grasslands of Ukraine. The grasslands of Asia are to the north of Saka lands, which were around & to the south of the Aral Sea.

За Скитe кажe:

Scythia itself was a fairly small nation. The father of modern history, Herodotus, states the extent of Scythia in his Histories 4.21: Travelling west to east, "Across the Tanais (commonly today's Don River in the Ukraine) it is no longer Scythia; the first of the districts belongs to the Sauromatae, whose country begins at the inner end of the Maeetian lake (commonly taken to mean the Sea of Azov at the north of the Black Sea) and stretches fifteen days' journey north, and is quite bare of both wild and cultivated trees. Above these in the second district, the Budini inhabit a country thickly overgrown with trees of all kinds."

From about 800 to 300 BCE, the Scythia of Greek texts (also see Herodotus 4.21 above) extended east from the Carpathian Mountains in Central Europe - that is east of Rumania, Eastern Ukraine and Poland of today - east from the Carpathians to the Don River. To the south of Scythia was the Sea of Azov (the Maeetian Lake) and to the north, the start of the forests.

In other words the land of Scythia was a relatively small country that consisted of the grasslands of today's Moldova, Ukraine and Crimea.

Шта кажe за Сакe:

At 7.64 of his Histories, Herodotus makes a revealing statement, "Σάκαι δὲ οἱ Σκύθαι...", i.e., "Sákai dé oi Skýthai", which translates as, "The Sakai (Sakas) who are Skythai (Scyths)...." A sentence later, "τούτους δὲ ἐόντας Σκύθας Ἀμυργίους Σάκας ἐκάλεον: οἱ γὰρ Πέρσαι πάντας τοὺς Σκύθας καλέουσι Σάκας" i.e., "toútous dé eóntas Skýthas Amyrgíous Sákas ekáleon:̱ oi gár Pérsai pántas toús Skýthas kaléousi Sákas.", which translates as, "But these (people) are in reality called Amyrgyian* Sakas. For the Persians call all those Scythians, Sakas." Most translators do not translate τοὺς/toús (epic form of ὁ, 'the following' and here 'those', a demonstrative pronoun), leaving the phrase to incorrectly read "...the Persians call all Scythians, Sakas." The exclusion of τοὺς/toús changes the meaning of the phrase substantially. [*5th cent. BCE Greek historian Ctesias in his Persica at § 3 has Amorges as king of the Sacae in the time of Cyrus. Polyaenus (2nd. cent. CE) in his Stratagems at vii. 12 has Amorges as king at the time of Darius. 'Amorg' is likely derived from the Old Iranin/Avestan 'amer' meaning 'immortal'.]

The region described the Central Asian Saka (Sacae) below consists of today's Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan and parts of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.


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