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Online obituary or death notices for Serbia

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Michelle Batalo Mills:
Can you share some sites where death notices or obituaries are published in Serbia? 

For instance in the US, many newspapers will have online editions where the obituary is published.  Also funeral homes will publish them and older obituaries are typically found on https://www.legacy.com/

When I search, I type in their name and "obituary" and typically I can find it in the US.

Is this possible in Serbia?  Would you type Name and некролог/nekrolog?  Or another word?  Is there a national online newspaper or would I need to look for regional online newspapers?

I have one particular person that I am researching that died in Conoplja in 2016.   

Try to google читуље or čitulje.


--- Цитат: Michelle Batalo Mills  Децембар 11, 2021, 07:18:01 поподне ---Can you share some sites where death notices or obituaries are published in Serbia? 

For instance in the US, many newspapers will have online editions where the obituary is published.  Also funeral homes will publish them and older obituaries are typically found on https://www.legacy.com/

When I search, I type in their name and "obituary" and typically I can find it in the US.

Is this possible in Serbia?  Would you type Name and некролог/nekrolog?  Or another word?  Is there a national online newspaper or would I need to look for regional online newspapers?

I have one particular person that I am researching that died in Conoplja in 2016.   

--- Крај цитата ---

This is most probably, Conoplja in Sombor municipality, West Backa county. You can try and contact the municipality authorities and ask for info, they must have it. The question is if they are allowed to share it without official request

For the Belgrade region you have a website http://www.umrlice.net/, but there are, I think, data only for public cemeteries, in Belgrade there are a number of private smaller cemeteries.

Michelle. There is a website where you can search by first name /surname or by town, and it covers Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and one part of the diaspora. This site started only five years ago, but it can be helpful in family research.
There is a website for Serbia. It goes back to 2012.

I hope this is helpful


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